Wednesday, May 29, 2019



Well how is that possible when this information would be needed for IA investigation for 2015-09. Why do these attacks continue? Haven't enough people already been hurt?

Since Mr. Crittenden's Habeas Corpus info was published, we have heard back from many people including police officers in San Jose, Palo Alto, Placer County Sheriff's Department , La Paz County NV Sheriff department and other places too. 

There was even a Santa County court bailiff who re-confirms that lieutenant Neil Valenzuela did indeEd cheat on this investigation. Specifics are that deputy Aleksandra Ridgeway claimed in detective Carroll's fake report, that she had never met Mr. Crittenden.

Come to find out Aleksandra Ridgeway did in fact meet Crittenden 2 years earlier in 2012 , but last name at the time was "Kuna" and what the bailiff says matches up to records on our end but nobody made the connection with her having different last name.  The apartments Crittenden was living at in practically right next door to the Palo Alto court house where deputy Ridgeway was working. The bailiff also let us that Gary Goodman, Crittenden's PDO was  friends with Ridgeway and Andalon. Both of the officers actively participated in these attacks.   

I am giving up  $100.00 cash reward for photographs of  Gary Goodman, and Michele Martin PO  maybe Andalon too as time and budget permits but can't do all too much at once got to pay auto insurance and support my kid.  All of these fuckers knew their actions would cause people to get injured or killed yet none of them gave a flying fuck. They thumbed their noses at the public and laughed  at people crying out for this madness to stop and this is just sick.
Malicious slandering of Judge Cordell calling her a mentally ill black identity extremists, national security threat and lots of other crap then putting her name down as Dolores Cordell instead of Ladoris Cordell is below the belt and disgusting and the only reason for attacking her is because she was honest and told the truth!!!!

Goodman allegedly pulled another stunt like this a flag went up on a case with a Mr. Kymon Anderson with Goodman also being friends with the arresting officer & Goodman's got to be some idiot to think that we wouldn't catch it, San Jose police cops issues with sheriff detective Carroll are many, including he lied in his report about the reasons why they supported Mr. Crittenden in general, and regarding gun buy back program noting one of his Crittenden's key endorsements came from Joseph MacNamara, who spoke very highly of Mr. Crittenden, calling him sophisticated and gifted, and describing his public safety presentations as creative, dazzling and brilliant. 

It has not escaped attention that his first arrest on this happened when McNamara was literally on his death bed and you better bet dipshit DDA James Leonard deliberately timed it this way, knowing that McNamara would not be able to testify because he would be dead by the time Crittenden got before the judge  and that's not all because right after San Jose Police officer Michael Johnson was shot and killed in the line of duty, Lieutenant Rivera sent sheriff Tarazi zipping over to Palo Alto probably with his lights and siren going and arrested Mr. Crittenden on bogus charges  holding him for 40 days on completely fabricated made up shit  eventually dropping the case.  The timing of either of these arrests can not be coincidence! No Way!

Note: San Jose officers are mainly concerned with detective Carroll, those from Palo Alto were concerned about sergeant Tarazi. While officers from both departments are adamant that the sheriff department is full of shit.

Palo Alto conveyed information that the sheriff department had contacted them around December 21, 2015 and told them that Mr. Crittenden was hiding or on the run & that they had been looking for him and unable to find him. When this was brought up at patrol briefing, several officers stood up in Mr. Crittenden's defense saying that the sheriff's department was lying.  They had even been aware that SO had set up surveillance in Palo Alto on the evening of December 16th. Several Palo Alto officers objected to doing the sheriff department's dirty work and understandably, did not want to be accomplice to covering up a murder so the directives to go out looking for Mr. Crittenden were dropped and were changed to "If you happen to see him, arrest him on your own discretion but do not go looking for him"

We have also found out more information about the accusations made by Judge Manoukian against San Jose Vice Mayor Madison Nguyen, for when Judge Manoukian accused Nguyen of plotting a terrorist attack against Markham Plaza Apartments. Of course we know Judge Manoukian was having some sort of psychotic mental meltdown in the court room as this happened soon after his son was shot and killed. But steady flow of new information coming in says their may also be political motives at play here as well.

According to residents, when Cary Andrew Crittenden and councilmember Madison Nguyen were doing outreach work to the Markham Plaza residents, a vietnamese woman named Elaine Duong,  a former staff member began hanging out at Markham Plaza mingling with the residents and began spreading maliscious gossip about Cary Andrew Crittenden and Madison Nguyen, who was vice mayor then. She had worked for Emergency Housing Consortium and was telling people that Madison Nguyen and Cary Andrew Crittenden would harm the residents and do not fill out any survey information for services or HUD funding, that she would take care of it and Kyle would be backing her. Kyle and her worked together then he moved into county hookup giving her backdoor access. They never delivered on their promise.   It later came out in the open when confronted by Markham Plaza resident: Tristan Terry that Elaine Duong was the sister in law of Ming Duong, who had competed against Madison Nguyen for San Jose City Council District 7. The confrontation had cause quite a scene and Tristan Terry demanded that Elaine Duong explain to everyone why she never disclosed that her brother in law competed against Madison in the election.  Another Little Saigon player Ly Tong also appeared in picture regarding both Markham and Bocardo and he invited groups from both locations to a Little Saigon vietnamese restaraunt telling them how evil Madison was and to not accept any help from her. There were other younger Vietnamese women in their thirtys or so just off the boat still seasick speaking no english whatsoever.   Elaine Duong was in and out of the rental offices and walking around the grounds with Elaine Bouchard so they were in cahoots. We don't know anything about Ming Duong being involved or having knowledge and though she may be a cunt, we don't think that Elaine Duong's intentions were to harm the residents, but rather to make sure Madison did not get credit for doing anything good. It goes without saying that neither Madison or Cary Andrew Crittenden would never harass or threaten anyone that can be completely ruled out.
As for the Guns that Carl Fowston had, it was considered common knowledge that he had them and that he got them from Robert Ridgeway but after Ridgeway's arrest and when he was no longer a San Jose cop. Quite frankly, nobody believed him when he said they came from SJPD until after news story broke that SJPD was in fact missing these guns. As to whether one of these guns was used to kill officer Johnson is a difficult question. People who had seen Fowston's gun collection recall only seeing pistols but the gun used to kill officer Michael Johnson was supposedly a rifle. Robert Ridgeway probably picked them up from one of his friends at SJPD.

Scott Largent has been added to the the list of detective Carroll's victims because Carroll, by covering up fraud and murder committed by Rothbard's law firm enabled Rothbard to continue committing crimes  and victimizing more people and then Largent was also fraudulently evicted by Rothbard.  Frank Carpenito is also added after credible info that detective Carroll has been stalking the victim and witnesses in this court case with who? Yea you guessed it right: Judge Socrates shit turd Manoukian.  

Carroll also may have tampered with Eugene Craig crime scene and given Carroll's history of evidence tampering, witness tampering and covering up murders, that's probably why they put him on the case.  Yea they actually made him CSI go figure that out...

LH&R Jeremy

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