Friday, May 24, 2019


It's the same old unconstitutional Silicon Valley narrative; you can write almost whatever you want online within certain common sense parameters; but as soon as that same contect appears on a flier that is spread around the community; it is seen as dangerous or unlawful -- unless it's KJ Doug Ward trying to dissuade a witness that is...By the way; POS/DPS refused to help me once again when I brought this to their attention on Facebook Messenger...They said they cannot help me unless I call them; but almost every time I have called them for help in the past 20 years they have refused to help  -- so why the hell would I call POS/DPS again for help?

That is what the Muckraker Times is all about: Gross Negligence; and that is why I contacted Gary Perez instead of POS/DPS...Doug admitted the crime to Gary; and his testimony is now evidence along with the flier...

Whether it is my cry for help to the neighborhood which the RPF desperately tried to criminalize ~ and/or the flier put out at the Oasis Nightclub exposing police misconduct which has opened up the skies to truth and justice -- it's the same defensive; gas lighting response...

But the First Amendment was argued for almost 14 years my good people; concluding that we can continue arguing...And when it rains it pours; as today there was yet another bit of NSA chatter desperately trying to form a narrative aimed at silencing brave whistleblowers by claiming that Julian Assange is not a journalist -- in other words the usual old worn out narrative (bloggers and/or web site writers are now federally protected as journalists BTW)…

For instance; I happened upon the following information (SEE: VETERAN'S DAY paragraph below) at the Oasis Nigthclub one night; making me an "asset" of sorts depending upon who you talk to (an ass to some and an asset to others depeding upon whether you are a psychopath and/or an empath)...A homeless veteran who was living in her vehicle next to the Oasis told me the following information...But everything I hear on the TV brainwashing machine tells me that killing babies is bad; unless they are unborn or living across US borders isn't that right? (After the #metoo movement why all the fuss about abortion? What do ladies want anyway!?!)

So I obviously am a journalist DOJ; and an intelligent and witty one at that who can see both sides while refusing to take sides -- It is  obviously in the public interest to hear this information -- and I will not be revisiting this decision...

It's really no different than when I was 18 years old hearing war stories from Dale; the 36 year old guitar player in the band I was in at the time...Dale was still haunted by his Vietnam memories; and he told me ALL KINDS of stories that I don't even want to repeat...

But it's nothing that John Kerry hasn't already done in the US Congress years back -- and was he almost elected as president (!?!) and besides; Smedly Butler did the same thing many years back as well; so it's the same shit next day my good people: 

"A woman who was an Iraq war military veteran told John a few years back one night at the Oasis Nightclub (roughly 2007 or so; at the time she was living in a vehicle parked next to the Oasis) that when stationed in Iraq; Iraqi ladies would often roll up baby carriages which sometimes contained I.E.D.s in the vicinity of U.S. troops. After a certain point in time; all baby carriages were considered to be suspicious and were then fired upon; often killing innocent Iraqi babies etc in the process. (note: this conversation was recorded) People in Iraq were then calling them "baby killers" after this..." > GO TO: VETERAN'S DAY 2015 @

Does someone want me to shut up? You know I really hate bringing up the subject of Nazis again "just because I can"; but it appears that here we go again; so I don't even have to explain any further...Nazis killed babies; the US military killed babies -- and it's not ok to kill babies (unless they are unborn) right? wrong? (I will make zero judgements on this subject at this point in time; just making a point...)

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents...” ― Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier > GO TO: + GO TO: THE PENTAGON PAPERS @ + Years back I got this document from a now deceased nurse who worked with AIDS patient: AIDS = SYNTHETIC BIOLOGICAL AGENT @ + Oh! And then there is this: Julian Assange, Wikileaks co-founder, faces 17 new charges in US > The only thing to fear is fear itself...It's the same shit next day my good people; so stop the spineless stonewalling already...Tax monies are not to be wasted; they are to be spent wisely...As  history will be on the side of the truth tellers who are a danger to darkness and a friend of the light...

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