Friday, August 9, 2019



This blog post started as emails sent out to various government entities etc: "What I find interesting is that a person like Lee Bagly was allowed to 'clack' cops' heads together during a DUI arrest; yet still given $150,000 dollars despite this violence...So that means I should get around $10 million; but I am not pushing that because like I said before $500,000 will be fine...This should not necessarily be about profiting opportunistically; it should be about fixing the problem...And I have 6 months to file the claim against the City of Sunnyvale for POS/DPS refusing to arrest KJ Doug Ward when Gary intervened; and another 2 years after that to pull teeth and get a lawyer to get your grossly negligent asses to pay up...


(I think what pisses me off the most about all of this is governments' inability to admit fault when found to be doing illegal actions and/or violating people's rights' etc etc etc ~ while government generally expects all others accused of the same kind of things to admit fault...This shows a certain arrogance, Gavin -- and like I have said before; government-required narcissistic personality disorder that is quite troubling at the very least)...

Other than that; why did POS/DPS refuse to respond a few years back when gunshots were being fired outside my window by motorcycle riding friends of the Rebholtz/Paolinetti familias and/or RPF? I thought gun violence was taken very seriously so why did POS/DPS say they only respond "when bodies are dropping..."? And why do you want me to shut up about the people who attacked me FBI? So I can be a 'real man' and suck it up and take it all out on someone else later on down the line the way I am doing now?

The FBI and POS/DPS dropped the ball so stop playing games guys...I was attacked several times and had my civil rights violated numerous times as well; so I am not going away until something is done about it to rectify the situation and allow me some peace of mind so I can get on with my life and stop being jacked around by all of you pretending my life doesn't matter...

Just remember when you ignore a problem like what happened to me it has a tendency to fester and all kinds of shit can come out of that gross negligence; so simply stop ignoring people like me who have been wronged and you will have less problems down the line in the future...

You can't arrest your way out of it now;
you could have ~ but you failed to do so...

This is so complex and there are so many differing aspects to all of this...In particular the fact that I would be homeless or dead if my Dad did not help me out financially in the years after the RPF siege; as government sat by idly and did nothing...I always lived within my means and kept a good credit rating; but after the RPF I was left broke and in debt largely due to this years-long police-sponsored campaign against my residence...Try having an on again off again active threat right outside your residence for 5-7 years and see what happens...

Partially police-sponsored due to Don Paolinetti's involvement; partially due to the unknown POS/FD/DPS employee caught knocking over my garbage cans after a year of it; and partially by default due to inaction on the part of both POS/SCPD and POS/DPS for always having something better to do and failing to help me as well...

And I would be homeless and living in an RV or tent like so many others around here if my Dad had not helped me out after the RPF finally backed down..But I suspect that would not be an issue to the City of Sunnyvale or Santa Clara either...

That was probably the plan to begin with...And there are broke; desperate homeless and housed people all over this valley so the cities would not take issue to my financial state; and probably since I was an successful activist too...That's just one more nail in my coffin...

And my Dad would be dead or severely disabled if I was actually removed from the household and had not caught his stroke early like I did...If my sister was taking care of him at the time she would have probably been out shopping...And remember that my Dad fell on concrete twice with my sister while out shopping with her and broke his arm one of those times...That was not my fault as that semi-psychopathic social worker suggested...

My Father spent the last few good years of his life dealing with fallout from the RPF; and when it was all over he had a stroke...
He spent countless days and hours stressing out over the extended multi-year RPF siege upon his residence...

Sometimes dereliction of duty is a good way of explaining this...War was declared against me and my household and the police were not only behind it and sponsoring it directly and/or indirectly -- but they also left me to die on the 'battlefield of life' as I was tormented nearly to death and driven out of my house...Once again I feel that was part of someone's plan...But they probably didn't plan on me still writing about it years later...

And speaking of sitting by idly and doing nothing; Lawyer Fulvio Cajina made a verbal agreement to simply file a claim form that needed amendments but failed to do so...Then he agreed to file a lawsuit and never did...So this shit doesn't seem to end...Who gives a shit other than no one? I would not be here emailing you wasting my time if Fulvio had just closed this deal out but he didn't...So I told Fulvio that he needs to start working for government because they don't give a shit either and they play favorites depending upon their political affiliations so he would probably fit in perfect there working as a city attorney in the bay area somewhere...

Bringing us all back to shooting rampages...If you would just wake up and learn a lesson here then things like more shootings could be avoided...It has something to do with guns; but also to do with alienation and inhumanity and it always seems to be males who are doing all of the shooting -- so that needs to be looked at -- as all of this noble and seemingly necessary overcompensation and over-protection of women is perhaps now backfiring exhaust smoke into the justice obstructed driveways of angry under-protected men like me...

I also want to discuss the issue of animal abuse 
and it's connection to the abuse of humans...

We all know there is plenty of evidence showing that people who harm animals can be a threat to humans; this is well documented. But after Mister Olenak viciously attacked me; at the closed door "mob style sit down 2007 hearing" at the City of Santa Clara (Seagrave and Lopez carried billy clubs threateningly in front of Mister Olenak - again who had attacked me with no arrest made -- and Mister Olenak admitted to the attack in front of Judge Louis Amadeo Junior with no arrests made either!?!) ultra-malicious POS/SCPD Officer Seagrave threatened to take my cats away of all things (!?!) and made excuses for Mister Olenak's violent behavior as well!?! I have never met a more mean-spirited jerk in my life than POS/SCPD Officer Seagrave...Go to:

(Then I found out from a clandestine source that Officer Seagrave is actually a transsexual; making her/him have an obvious conlfict of interest in wanting to be a male; a conflict that gave POS/SCPD Officer Seagrave reason to discriminate against me due to having naturally what he/she needed an operation to acheive. This is a very difficult subject as I know some transexual individuals and other LGBT individuals who need to be treated with respect; but they also need to treat others with respect as well; like Denise Olenak for instance...This is a problem that will not go away any time soon; as transsexual law enforcement personell can apparently be extremely confused and/or conflicted when it comes to doling out equal treatment to those they were sworn to protect and serve -- largely due to their own inner conflicts...)


But this is not the only time local police did not take the subject of pets seriously enough...The truth is many people care more about their pets than they do their elected officials and cops...This is not going away any time soon either...But law enforcement has repeatedly resisted my attempts to get them to follow up on animal abuse that has occurred...

After Precious was killed and after bringing the information to the attention of various people who could have made a difference; ZERO ACTION WAS TAKEN TO FIND OUT WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO PRECIOUS CAT! Officer Fuji even made excuses for the person who killed Missy Cat; probably because he never had any pets like Officer Seagrave. Many cops are these sort of emotionally stunted egotistical psychopathic lone wolf jerks who think it's all about them -- when IT'S NOT...IT'S ALL ABOUT CATS...


The bottom fucking line here is: time after time Sunnyvale POS/DPS resisted in taking ANY ACTION regarding the mysterious deaths of my cats; taking TWO FUCKING MONTHS to respond to the death of MIssy Cat for instance...They simply do not give a shit about the most important things in life -- and I will not shut up until this selfish culture of police over protection and egotistical motherfucking bullshit OFFICIALLY ENDS...

Cops are going to start caring about the right things whether they like it or not; 

Here's my latest incendiary thoughts -- because I can: UPDATE / 23 MAY 2019: I know at least some of you are upset with the aforementioned Nazi/police reference -- but for that matter so am I; so too fucking bad. The bottom line is police and/or government should not act like a bunch of fucking Nazis unless they want to be compared to a bunch of fucking Nazis. It's pretty simple. SCCDA Jeff Rosen started this conversation so I am finishing it. Does somebody have a problem with that? If so too bad. I make the comparison now because I know how sensitive police are about being called what they are...A bunch of fucking NAZIS. Note: Any law enforcement attempts to control this publications' content for protection of reputations will amount to yet another illegal enterprise being formed to slander and defame; so back off on your Nazi bullshit already. Once again; this is not China or Russia so get with the program already...





GANG STALKING: "What happens during this Gang Stalking surveillance is very similar to what happened to many innocent individuals in the former East Germany or Activists and Dissidents in Russia. Many innocent people in the former East Germany would be targeted for these harassment programs, and then their friends, family, and the community at large would be used to monitor, prosecute, and harass them. In Russia it was used by the state to declare activist, dissidents or anyone they thought to be an enemy of the state as mentally unfit and many were institutionalized using this form of systemic control. 

The closest thing to Gang Stalking that democratic countries have seen before this is McCarthyism, Cointelpro, and RED SQUAD programs. Red Squad programs were used for monitoring, and harassment of various groups. They have been in place for over a hundred years, and they also employed Covert Human Intelligence Sources.

Civilian Spies, also known as "Covert Human Intelligence Sources" are recruited from every level and sector of society. Just like with Cointelpro investigations, everyone in the targets' life is made a part of this ongoing never ending, systemic psychological harassment and manipulation of the target. These actions are specifically designed to control the target and to keep them in line. These actions are also designed to destroy the target over years, make them look crazy and leave them with no form of support - For the targets of this harassment, Gang Stalking is experienced as a covert psychological, emotional and physical attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying a target over time. For the state it’s a way to keep the targets in line, control them, or destroy them." > Go to:

SEE ALSO: GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED STALKING? etc > Why hasn't the mainstream media "connected the dots"? A frightening mosaic of unconstitutional abuses has nullified the rule of law and the right of due process under the law. Human rights violations are taking place in cities and towns across America -- People are being targeted for ruin -- financially, socially and physically -- by an organized campaign of vigilantism that some victims believe is funded and supported by multiple levels of government, perhaps using citizen "watch" and volunteer programs as a front for extra-legal harassment and persecution. (For instance; Foley; Olenak; RPF etc)...

The phenomenon, which is starting to break through to the mainstream media, is commonly known as "gang stalking" and "community stalking." But that nomenclature tends to trivialize the issue -- This is a re-emergence of the KKK, the Stazi and the Gestapo. It is mob rule seemingly coordinated and condoned by rogue elements within the power structure...


Note: My friend Lee was fervent in telling me about Officer Lima's record; and now I am starting to see why...You would think this information would be readily available but apparently it is not...Lee knew that he was onto something big and I'm glad I listened to him...It's all about TRUTH AT ALL COSTS and to HELL with consequences...

It occurred to me that the lack of gender equality within the justice system or government in general perhaps has it's roots in Christian imagery...The image of Jesus showing a man suffering on a cross ~ combined with depictions of the Virgin Mary at peace with the Baby Jesus ~ perhaps has led to a certain unconscious age-based bias against men that allows some men to be mistreated unequally by society and/or government in general; while male babies or babies in general (and women) are coddled and carefully protected...And if you combine that with modern non-violent (mainly Democratic Party) ideologies that expect men to not fight back when attacked and/or to not have a gun to defend themselves; and/or to completely abstain from sex and/or not talk to women about dating (like the #metoo movement expects) etc -- it all seems to have distant origins within Christianity and/or organized religion in general (since the US essentially began as a Christian nation)...But while non-violence is definitely a good thing; and Jesus seemed like a really nice guy; Jesus also ended up 'dead' from not resisting his arresters; so that is clearly not an option in the modern day for many people who deal with killer cops...Especially when someone is allegedly resisting what ended up as a false arrest / kidnapping / assault for feeding ducks under a duck crossing sign that the ex-Mayor gave someone permission to feed at a city council meeting...I even have a friend on Facebook whose young son was attacked in elementary school and expected to not fight back against his bullies after he did fight back!?! The father of this child was questioned and asked if he told his son to fight back; which he did...So the SCCDAs office not only allowed me to be repeatedly beaten on and expected me to not fight back WITH NO ARRESTS MADE AND VIDEO EVIDENCE AVAILABLE; but they also want to allow an elementary school kid to be beaten on without fighting back as well ~ while Hollywood often portrays empowered women as these sort of karate kicking cookie dough Ninja badasses ready to take on the world!...What the fuck is up with that anyway?! Toxic femininity sucks too Gavin so what the fuck?!...And these same democrats behind all of this crap also want to criminalize and take guns away from law abiding people like me and you ~ while the main people with most of the actual illegal guns are all of the dangerous; violent local criminals they want to let out of jail early to do more damage within their communities...All I can say is while I generally do not like fist fighting; I also refuse to be attacked without fighting back anymore State of California...I WILL STAND MY GROUND...So I'm done with that kind of nonsense...Police will protect you Gavin; but not me -- so refusing to fight back is clearly not an option because we're not all the spoiled brats of big important judges like you Gavin...When Dick Pan was attacked with misdemeanor violence last week; an arrest was made -- but when it happened to me police did NOTHING...Therefore; since all men are not protected equally by the police; the next person who lays a hand on me in violence will get right back what they gave to me...And that's a promise Governor Newsom...

(And besides; breaking into a 93 year old mans' house who just had a stroke to further retaliate against my wildly successful activist efforts like you have done so many times in the past for feeding ducks and cleaning up litter and talking to my Dad and taking pictures as a local photographer publisher etc etc etc is not gonna fly this time; it didn't even fly last time and that pattern and practice of illegal discriminatory behavior is part of my lawsuit...

I am untouchable at this point in time so deal with it (fuck off CNN!); as your crooked hands have forced this newfound freedom...So if it happens again; I simply won't let your killer cops in the front door...So you better start dreaming up some other bullshit way of reigning me in because I've got a tiger by the tail now and it's pissed off but I'm not afraid so too bad...)


Happy Sunday and happy summer my good people! 

I just added the Honorable Willie Brown to the email list fishing for ideological / typographical errors...Please write them up in your SF Chronicle column to bring attention to my cause thanx! :D Willie might remember me for inspiring him to install cat crossing signs in SF after I told him about alligator crossing signs I once saw in Florida while touring with a band...

Anyway; here's a quote from the latest edition of Muckraker Times: "While it is generally not a good idea to stand in judgement of others; they were already among the lowliest scum of the earth before all of this -- but these new developments make the Sunnyvale City Council and their cop buddies who were at Lee's hearing take the shit cake and win the top mega dung pile prize for being the largest and by far the stinkiest piles of horse shit and vomit oozing out of the depths of Hell in the history of inhumanity..." Kinda makes you miss public service; huh Willie? :D

Go to: Muckraker Times #6 @ 

Other than that Hillary Clinton was in town recently so I have a sneaking suspicious that she may be somehow responsible for hacking / deleting my (Google) emails...I can't prove it but it just makes sense...Who else would do this kind of thing? Either way a full investigation is needed because deleting someone else's emails is illegal...

MESSAGE TO CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM: Since I have no other country to escape to and am under duress here in California; I am now inhabiting a country within a country called Nutopia borrowed from John Lennon...And since Yoko has not claimed ownership of the Nutopian Empire I am therefore now officially and peacefully seizing it once again as sovereign territory to reside within until our little tax conflict is resolved...

First off; like I said the CFTB has faulty data regarding my owed taxes; I do not have any employees; so the inflated CFTB total needs drastic reduction. Also; the tax on marijuana has gone up so far that I have paid waaay more in taxes at pot clubs in the past year than I have in the past 2-3 years...And adding to this; fraudulent claims were made regarding the disruption of Prop 215 with the new statute that was supposedly about recreational pot (which was deceptive) And the State of California has also facilitated the illegal ejection from yet another private business of public accommodation like I told you last week...Among many other things...

Therefore I have recently established the United State of Nutopia (USN); officially deeming myself as High Nutopian Ambassador (HNA) and/or Grand Poobah of Nutopian Independence (GPNI) retaining Full Nutopian Diplomatic Immunity (FNDI)…

***Full Nutopian Diplomatic Immunity is a form of legal immunity ensuring Safe Diplomatic Nutopian Passage (SDNP) and not considered susceptible to lawsuit and/or prosecution under California law; creating a "country within a country" and a constitutional crisis U.S. courts cannot legally decide upon due to the Separation of Nutopian Powers (SNP) and/or the Potential Sudden Appearance of Perverted Jurisprudence (PSAPJ) and/or Instantaneous Arbitrary Nutopian Legislation (IANL)***

"I, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Court of the United States for the rectitude of My intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these United States, solemnly publish and declare, That these United States are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that I am Absolved from all Allegiance to the United States Government, and that all political connection between me and the United States of America, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as a Free and Independent person, I have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, Smoke Weed; Ride Scooters -- and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent people definitely have the right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, I pledge to you My Life, My Lost Fortunes and My sacred Honor..."

"The unanimous Declaration of My United State of Nutopian Independence, When in the Course of Inhuman Events it becomes necessary for one person to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to others, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to that Nutopian separation..."


UPDATE: 22 MAY 2019 / Semi-related parallel propaganda NSA chatter that is obviously desperately trying to criminalize my valiant efforts is apparently still occurring to benefit killer cops; but the fact remains that all information gathered is from my own personal experience and/or facts garnered through a legal discovery process from an old friend who passed on information to me (closed courtroom w/no gag order) after successfully suing the City of Sunnyvale and being rewarded a $150,000 dollar settlement for almost being killed by Sunnyvale POS/DPS Officer Lima. But this is something the Nazis would do; so like I always say: whip out your Nazi yardstick and measure what you've done; then realize you are doing EXACTLY what the Nazis would have done if given the same situation. And remember even the Nazis did not kill people they considered to be mentally ill on the street using killer cops (for many cops: mentally ill = shoot to kill -- it's the easy way out of a tough situation) they at least instead took people to processing centers before starving them to death. Here at the Silicon Valley "Feminazi" Concentration Camp we allow our unhappy campers to lay around dying in bushes without food or shelter as expensive Tesla vehicles whiz by making it all seem nice; all the while saying whites are entitled even though a 'good' percentage of those homeless are Caucasian men.

GO TO: The Adachi leak: What you need to know about the public defender’s death and the raid on a journalist @ + Adachi leak case: DA Gascón joins criticism of SFPD raid of journalist’s home @ + Adachi leak: SF cops explain why they raided journalist, cite conspiracy probe @

Note: I understand the concern expressed by law enforcement wanting to cover up their bad deeds while hauling in others to jail for doing the exact same thing; these people live in glass houses that can easily destroyed by my journalism...But a killer is a killer is a killer -- and killer cops don't always deserve respect; oftentimes they deserve to be LOCKED UP like other killers...

The other bottom line here is that The State of California spends an inordinate amount of time and energy regulating pot club$; but does not spend nearly as much time regulating the alcohol industry like they so obviously need to...That is the main problem here...

But the state has no excuses because in this case because I gave them ample time to fix this situation but they failed to do so ( it's high time for the State of California to finally step up to the plate here and hit a home run because the bases are loaded and their time is running out...

After contacting the State of California several times about their much abused denial of service law; zero action was taken by the state to contact their various private businesses of public accommodation they oversee and/or are charged with regulating to prevent any more future state-facilitated discrimination...The State of California should have contacted the Oasis Nightclub and explained their denial of service law so that a business code could be created to ward off any future conflicts at the Oasis Nightclub; but the State of California failed to take affirmative action about the two previous ejections; leading to the latest illegal ejection...

The Gold Rush Eatery has karaoke on Thursday nights and live music on Saturday nights; which includes a business code posted for all to see online and outside the nightclub as well; it reads: "Join us this Summer as we bring our music series Outside.  Snuggle up with a drink by our  firepit and enjoy the music from local bay area bands.  Saturday evenings from 7-10.  OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.  Two drink minimum …NO COVER!..."

Note: The Oasis Nightclub had no conspicuously posted business code; and KJ Doug now works at the Gold Rush which lies within the boundaries of a City of Sunnyvale owned golf course -- and Sunnyvale DPS refused to arrest KJ Doug who now works at the Gold Rush; along with Jake Paolinetti and Mister Olenak etc etc etc...$500,000 dollars will be sufficient; just fire your crooked cops (Smith; Ochoa etc) and fix your broken system!

Either that or the state should have contacted the Oasis by sending a form letter out to them and/or better yet they should have contacted all private businesses of pubic accommodation and given them one year to get their shit together and created a legally-drafted business code to run their businesses by...But they took zero action and now they have yet another illegal denial of service lawsuit on their hands...You would think that after an $11 million dollar lawsuit by the Black Woman's Book Club that decisive action would have been taken by now by the State of California to avoid any future lawsuits -- but the state failed to take any corrective actions and now yet another illegal ejection has occurred...

It doesn't matter any less that an illegal ejection happened to a Caucasian; it is just as egregious if not more egregious due to government-sponsored discrimination assigning more worth to certain races -- and this is also in violation of federal law. (See: 14th Amendment)

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Adding to this; Doug Ward has not only shown open malice towards me with the words "FUCK OFF DOUCHE!" in his threatening message that he left on my windshield; but he was also tampering with a witness and/or informant in the process too -- just as POS/DPS Officers Ochoa and Smith did as well when they tampered with an informant (me) and/or also obstructed justice by failing to recover damning surveillance footage...


I also wanted to comment on copycat crimes...You always used to hear law enforcement not wanting to advertise certain stories too much due to the possibility of someone doing the same thing in response; as not everyone interprets the news 'disease' the same way...So why are stories like the Gilroy incident dominating the news when this attempt at protect us more often than not turns into copycat crimes like what just happened in Arizona? Or more futile attempts at gun control? After awhile shooting rampages become 'the thing to do'...

And why are police adding insult to injury by squelching people's freedom of speech in response? I never let works of evil control my dialogue...I know after publishing Only Good News for 20 years ( > click on ONLY GOOD NEWS) that I needed an outlet for the increasing muck that was being created in my life...Silicon Valley used to be a very nice place to live -- but as simple as I tried to keep it; life in general got increasingly worse for me (and many others) so I needed an outlet like The Addendum Blog or Muckraker Times...

Yes; things are not all good for me like they used to be -- as not only my brother died in a head on collision xmas 1998 -- but also government-sponsored forces maliciously conspired against me in the years afterwards -- consciously allowing my financial etc life to go down the drain -- and now 'they' are sending me an overinflated bill for all of this unchecked gross negligence; so I needed -- and still need -- an outlet for the abuse...

I don't hold my breath waiting for the local news media to give my story justice and/or give a shit about my low income white male ass...I know how things work now...For instance; the female publisher of the SJ Mercury has been all caught up in #metoo fever as of late; defaming and slandering men with weak hearsay evidence and destroying lives daily...Including and mainly the children of the men whose lives are ruined...

(hysterical hearsay evidence like my neighbors' ex-wife gave in other words -- causing him to go from being a security guard for the CEO of Google ~ to losing his job based upon his ex-bitch's testimony saying he is 'dangerous' YEAH RIGHT! His ex is/was jealous of his hot new girlfriend who looks like J-Lo -- but this is really no different that the RPF being protected by Mommy Rebholtz; if some bitch said it -- it must be true right? Wrong!)

Shooting rampages are for copycat wimps with no better ideas to solve their problems ~ whether they are done by cops or otherwise...And a lie can travel half way around the world before truth gets it's pants on...

It just occurred to me that if: 
1) almost anybody else was attacked several times with tons of physical evidence yet still zero arrests -- 3) then stalked and harassed nearly to death and financially devastated -- 4) then accused of the same thing by the same people who were behind the very same police-sponsored campaign -- 5) then illegally ejected from the private business of public accommodation where you hid out for so many years from all of the police-sponsored abuse and turned it into something beautiful -- 6) then finally almost forced from your home by the same fucking god damned idiotic bastards who were behind the stalking and harassment to begin with -- 7) almost anyone else would have gone shit-wild berzerk way beyond a mere pre-planned video shooting rampage back in June of 2011 to shake the stinky bullshit out of the bag and expose it like I did...

At least Gary helped me out at the last minute so I could side-step POS/DPS and finally bring closure to the Oasis Nightclub situation that you all allowed to fester for so long...Knowing damn well someone was being repeatedly attacked and taking zero action due to political nonsense and long-standing anti-activist FBI policies...So let this be a lesson to you all; stop ignoring people like me who are targeted individuals -- and stop targeting good-hearted individuals like me and it will all be good....Ok FBI? I'm onto your bullshit but I am giving you all a chance to redeem your worthless selves here and make good on the past...$500,000 will be sufficient...


If this is the way people are allowed to be treated;
then we can only blame ourselves if more bullshit hits our collective fans...

First off; I want to comment on todays' SJ Mercury News editorial page...The subject is scrutiny of big tech and it's effect on journalism and democracy; which is definitely an important issue...But it also spoke about fact checking articles with several sources to ensure validity; when the journalism I practice is not like that...It is quite often based upon what I have witnessed in my own life; therefore there is no way of 'fact checking' what I saw with my own two eyes...


And I often use Google owned platforms to do it too (Google Blogger)...So on one hand I am like a trojan horse often talking shit and exposing bad things about the same company that allows me to speak (Google) which is actually amazing that I am allowed to do this -- as in many other countries I would be forcefully SILENCED like some of you so want me to be...But then on the other hand I have also had important videos that would otherwise serve as evidenciary material deleted by Google/You Tube; which did not effectively silence me ~ but caused me to have to spend more of my precious time redoing it all elsewhere...And this was done with no due process and without prior warning; likely at the request of my domestic terrorizers -- allowing the harassment and stalking to continue on unabated...


(By the way; the hat I am wearing in the above link is a Native American Motorcycle Club hat; not some kind of a white supremacist hat like so many people probably want it to be...Remember; assuming tends to make an ass out of you and me)…

So all of this talk about silencing individual voices online is for the most part ridiculous; as forced silence is a nothing more than another form of soft violence which often leads to even more violence down the line (Just like the violence directed at me by Tom Foley (who was a drunk felon on parole at the time -- then let go) with the help of POS/SCPD and with the blessings of attorney/owner of the Lake Terrace Apartments who essentially and conspiratorially 'sicked' Mister Foley on me along with the apartment manager) Power was decentralized back in the 1990s allowing everyone to have a strong voice in society; and no one guaranteed that it wouldn't be any less messy than it was before; as life tends to be messy and everything is political...

And speaking of that; my Dad spends big money to get the SJ Mercury News delivered; but this morning he looked at the front page and threw it aside not wanting to read it due to it's divisive nature (see photo below) which is a lesson I learned in publishing Only Good News...But the Muckraker Times is not about that...It's not about advertising dollars or worrying about offending people; it's about opinion and personal truth at all costs and it feels quite liberating to publish it...

Even though Only Good News is generally dedicated to environmental good news; it is not done in a way that offends or rubs people the wrong way like this publication may do at times here and there; as a healthy and clean environment is in everyone's favor > go to:

I've been thinking lately how racist it seems to be calling our president Cheeto; I mean what tasty snack does Obama look like and would it be appropriate to compare him to this tasty snack? NO!


And if supposed 'white entitlement' of Saltine Americans is so real; then why the hell have cops refused to protect and serve me many times over after having been attacked by various people? It just doesn't add up; therefore the 'white entitlement' argument is largely half-truthed and just another divisive semi-false narrative that is stirring the pot and causing even more unnecessary division and anger...

For instance; I don't think any supposed 'white supremacist' actually thinks they are better than anybody; they simply want their rights equally protected like I do as well; you know Senator Mazie Hirono? It all started back in the 1990s when an Asian FBI agent shot a white lady holding a baby...They felt encroached upon and it had a racial element to it...And all the lefties talking shit about supposed 'white supremacy' actually think their ideologies are superior to others who disagree; so what's the difference? All the white supremacy argument does is cause people to hate whites a little more; but that is the same thing that happened during the Obama era so it is the same divisive hateful shit all over again and nothing changes...

Many people hate whites ~ 
and this blatant racism seems to be 'ok' with too many people...

If I don't agree with all of the latest half-truthed Democratic ideologies or want my white rights protected equally -- then I am either called a racist or a supremacist or whatever the democrats damn well please...Then the democrats want my insulted white ass to vote for them after all of this...And this is just part of the reason I am a now a decided centrist...

"Racism in America is institutional and it is a “white man’s problem,” Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday, arguing that the way to attack the issue is to defeat President Donald Trump and shame the racists he has emboldened. Taking aim at incendiary racial appeals by Trump, Biden told a small group of reporters that a president’s words can “appeal to the worst damn instincts of human nature” just as they can move markets or take a nation into war..." > GO TO: Biden: Racism, institutional in the US, is ‘white man’s problem’-- He urges voters to defeat Trump and shame racists he emboldened @

Note: That said; the words of a presidential candidate and/or the words of a president like Obama can also appeal to the worst aspects of human nature as well; as I highly suspect the discrimination I faced and still face in this largely Democratically run region is the direct result of this kind of talk that can just as easily cause institutionalized discrimination against whites as it can against blacks etc...What is needed is a unifying dialogue to bring everyone into the fold without pointing fingers at each other for political advantage...As elusive as it is and/or no matter how ridiculous it sounds to people who have been falling for all of these ridiculous divisive narratives; we desperately need the political advantage of unity at this point in time...


For instance; if whites are so damn entitled; than why are so many of the homeless in this region white? Is it a form of entitlement to live in an RV or tent? Is it a form of entitlement to have police refuse to protect and serve you for 20 some odd years like they did with me while helping blacks? And is it a form of entitlement to have the Black Woman's Book Club get $11 million for the exact same thing that happened to me while I got attacked and illegally ejected?

The simple answer is NO...So shut the fuck up about that entitlement crap already because it's not even real; As it couldn't be farther from my personal truth and the personal truths of many others as well...I hate to say it but the way the print news media reports in such a divisive way; I don't see much future for the profession unless they start doing things in a more universally appealing way...

Also; the 'Cheeto Toledo' protestor sign seen in the SJ Mercury News front page screenshot blatantly shows a form of racism against orange whites which seems so appropriate to some nowadays...While I have posted a Cheeto comment here and there in the past on Facebook; it occurred to me today how racist that really is against orange white people like CNN's Brooke Baldwin and Trump and so many others...

Black; orange; white; whatever -- 

Also; in hearing about my neighbor Bobby Junior and his ex-girlfriend stalker nightmare girlfriend; it occurred to me that women quite often go to court against their ex-spouses and lovers with no real physical evidence other than hearsay and strong emotion much like migrants seeking asylum -- and/or Mrs. Struble and Haley Rebholtz for that matter (And that is clearly gender biased as I have said so many times before and certainly NOT equal justice under law)…

While I showed up in court with lots of preliminary evidence that got TOTALLY IGNORED; others enjoy increased protections...So is this yet another form of supposed white entitlement? I am entitled to have all available evidence that is required by law ignored by a judge known to be somewhat corrupt? It just doesn't add up...

This is mainly a gender issue as all of the mass shooters were males who have been emasculated and subjugated and asked to not act like males by a democratically-leaning society hell bent on feminizing men -- many who now wear godawful looking buns on their heads much like women do (I love women's buns ~ I just don't like their buns -- does that make any sense?) 

And for every person like me who got attacked and stalked and menaced then attacked again then ignored again then menaced some more then attacked again then harassed by police who refused to protect and serve me etc etc etc; there are others who do not take it the same way and resort to violence...So let this be a lesson to you all; treat everyone the same and there will be less problems down the line...
All people have a core of innocence to them;
an inner child striving for good treatment and happiness...

After reading and hearing about the immigration asylum system that exists here in the US; it occurred to me that the largely hearsay-based arguments leveled by many immigrants are a whole lot like the way females are treated in the court of law ~ as compared to males (in other words; gender discrimination) Since there are so many immigrants living in this region; this perhaps sets the justice obstructing discriminatory trend in court as well...

(And this has nothing to do with liking or disliking immigrants CA AG Xavier Beccera; some of my best friends are immigrants -- this is all about lesser standards in court for immigrants and women; and therefore a public policy of discriminatory bias against men sponsored by the Democratic party...I am an independent by the way and thinking about never voting again...Sloppy and/or biased judges and/or corrupt cops in general can be just as much of a threat to public safety as any other criminals)…

I found this response on Facebook: Ben Bhangu wrote: "Garrett, as an immigrant and gone through the whole immigration process and I worked for an immigration attorney for 3 years, here is little insight into immigration laws. The fastest way to get "legal" status in this country is to marry a U.S. citizen. 2nd fastest way is to be a parent of a U.S. citizen child. If you are in either of these categories, then immigration will give you a "waiver" for being here illegally. However, if you lie on your application or if you commit a felony while you are illegal, there is no waiver, hence no pathway to "legal" status. The fact that she was married to a US citizen for 20 years and it looks like she has kids and she still was not able to acquire "legal" status, that tells me she did something that barred her from "legal" status. In my 3 years of tenure with the immigration attorney, I shocked to find how many people lie on their application. Political Asylum cases are full of it..."

Whereas females need only hearsay evidence and some strong emotion to make their cases and be granted access to America -- and females also need only hearsay evidence and strong emotion as 'evidence' of abuse (harassment etc) to win court cases against their ex-lovers and spouses etc -- ruining lives and separating families and putting false convictions and allegations on record as if they are true...

Like I said before; I came to court with a stack of preliminary evidence that the court-appointed defendant-swayer totally ignored; urging me to accept a bogus restraining order after being stalked and harassed and menaced nearly to death...Making me EXACTLY like many immigrants who come to the US fleeing violence and oppression; without the same protections...Which is exactly why I recently re-occupied Nutopia to create my own safe haven here in the US...

As I am really no different than John Lennon in many respects -- just not as rich and famous -- but still an artist/community leader of sorts who some people actually listen to when government is largely occupied by jokers who are purchased by various corporations before they are elected and don't give a rat's ass what their constituents think because their Google minds were made up long before the city council meetings where the various issues were explored (which is technically against the law BTW...(That was a run on sentence ~ but too bad)…

I was ambushed in 2007 as obvious payback for requesting a hearing regarding being falsely arrested/kidnapped/molested by Officer Pablo Lopez in 2006...BUT EX-MAYOR JUDY NADLER GAVE ME PERMISSION TO FEED DUCKS AT A CITY COUNCIL MEETING BEFORE THE ILLEGAL DESTRUCTION OF THE 1333 LAWRENCE EXPRESSWAY POND -- then the footage was DESTROYED too by the City of Santa Clara after I requested a copy -- just one of MANY evasive actions taken by both cities in a desperate attempt to "make it all go away"...So as my physical evidence was TOTALLY IGNORED by the court; females with weak hearsay evidence are more often than not given the benefit of the doubt and taken seriously...


And I still can't believe that the area around my vehicle was not turned into a crime scene where evidence could be gathered in July 2007...Responding officers refused to gather evidence...Or when my windshield got shot TWICE -- no crime scene was created once again -- and when evidence could have been gathered after a gun had been illegally fired in my neighborhood -- but POS/DPS refused to respond...The gross negligence and discrimination seems to have no end and I shouldn't have to be a female to receive much needed help...

After Mister Olenak attacked me; to be funny and bitingly truthful I tried identifying as a distressed female to the responding officers...I put my long hair in front of my face and went "ahhhhhhhhhh!..." expressing my outrage...But it didn't work; they let Mister Olenak go after attacking me; and actually HAD THE GALL to use Mister Olenak and Tom Foley (both attacked me w/physical video evidence as proof) as "witnesses top duck feeding" of all things...I still can't believe that shit...What fucking ASSHOLES Seagrave and Lopez are...Damn!

Therefore; I feel that since my case was handled so negligently and thoughtlessly by the local courts and law enforcement (who were initially behind the non-coincidental stalking and harassment etc by the way) COUNTLESS other Manoukian etc cases also need to be ripped open and given a second look; because the consequences of bogus restraining orders doled out to the wrong people ON PURPOSE IS NOT OK...

It just puts their lives at risk...So it's high time to rip open the books and find out who else has been consciously and/or purposefully screwed over by the local courts and corrupt cops; and fully compensate them for their various uncivil injuries...

Other than that; the computers that are making this conversation possible are also sucking the life force out of humanity and slowly making us all 'computer zombified' if you will ~ and therefore with less individuality as we are ell expected to be less human over time and/or more inhuman like the computers that increasingly run our lives...

And keeping children in the house all the time is what led to the RPF siege on my residence; as when I was a teen I was out playing drums with people a decade or two older than me and dating females who were sometimes much older than me -- allowing me learn more about life than your average young punk (instead of being forcefully kept at home and asexualized by modern society like the RPF and so many others are)…Their teenage frustrations were driving their anger towards me because I am free and always will be...And these were the same people harassing and stalking me because they actually thought I was homosexual...

Note: And after speaking to my neighbor/witness friend Bobby Martinez Sr. recently; Bobby said that at the height of the RPF residential siege against me and my residence; members of the RPF actually tried to turn Bobby against me by trying to get Bobby to help them with their years long siege against my residence that almost ended my life...And Bobby is willing to speak about this in court if necessary; although I don't think it will be due to the sheer amount of readily available physical evidence that was already ignored by the court and needs to finally be recognized during a much needed discovery process...

While being homosexual is perfectly fine; what is more gay than a bunch of teenage boys hanging around together calling older heterosexually successful males who don't happen to be able to afford to have an expensive local female at their side gay? Not much...Bottom line; most teenagers are inherently stupid to begin with (some of the stupidest things on the face of the planet in fact) and we are just making them stupider by sheltering them too much from life...


And I feel it is no coincidence that so many shooting rampages are happening all over the place by angry alienated sexually-repressed young males with the onset of the #metoo movement...It seems that when you suppress sex and/or sexuality; you end up with various forms of violence...I know it sounds crazy; but I feel that is what is happening here...When you try to cut off the penis; there are consequences to those actions...And while overpopulation is definitely an issue; repressed sexuality is definitely NOT the answer...

Therefore; perhaps less harmful 'organic' forms of birth control are needed ~ in conjunction with a return to free sex and sexuality to control the population in a more humane way...

For instance; older men who don't have regular orgasms can often end up with prostate cancer ~ and sexual repression is not only driving males in their sexual primes to violence; but also killing older men with prostate cancer -- men who are essentially repressed with modern American asexual eugenics...So forget about Obamacare and BIG PHARMA drugs for a minute; as I strongly feel that there is a more natural way to control prostate cancer through sex; which is a gift from the universe for all of us to enjoy...

And with all due respect to the #metoo movement; it is largely an anti-social media influenced bowel movement that needs to pass so we can return to a more natural way of dealing with each other face to face...Because no one is empowered by hiding from life and all the things that come with it...We are made weaker as a society in the process as all of the gains made by the sexual revolution bringing men and women together in love are lost...And no women is empowered by dis-empowering others...That attitude will hold women down over time as women will only end up getting held back for holding others back...This is an unavoidable karmic truth...

While the US Constitution did not initially take the plight of women or slaves or children into consideration; the unalienable right to freedom -- life liberty and the pursuit of happiness granted to men by that same constitution -- cannot be denied in any way shape or form...

We are just all free now ~ 
so deal with it...

And guns have something to do with all of this too;
but not nearly as much as you think --
as guns don't shoot themselves...
But angry; lonely; alienated; sexually repressed males often do...


One last thought...It also occurred to me that in liberal regions like Silicon Valley and SF and NY etc human life is generally treated with less sanctity than in many many conservative regions where humans are considered to be sacred and abortion is generally frowned upon and homelessness is seen as acceptable by some...But conservative regions are also generally a place where animals are treated worse than animals in liberal regions...And that this is precisely why I have been treated the way I have; or at very least part of the reason...There are simply too many people in the SF bay area region for all levels of government to respond sufficiently...

Note: While I generally treat humans and animals equally and/or good; many others do not...But then I have always been awesome like this so I suppose it may be a bit unrealistic for me to expect others to be as cool as I am...

Regardless; people with money they cannot take with them are quite often celebrated here in Silicon Valley; while low income people (like me after a multi-year police-sponsored siege on my residence after showing dissent for more corporate housing in the wrong place and winning the game) are more often than not vilified and DESTROYED...

Equal biomass created by the universe; treated differently for shallow superficial reasons by the shallow idiots in charge of the mess...Which is a literal recipe for DISASTER if you ask me...

Old medieval ways being thrust upon all of us once again; as the rich live high in their mountain top castles ~ and the poor struggle outside their motes begging for scraps of food...As rich people and their sheltered snowkflakey employees at Apple and Google etc eat free food at work and avoid local businesses out of fear (of socialization etc -- fear of almost everything in general in other words) causing even more people to lose their livelihoods -- and even more tents and RVs to inevitably spring up in response...

And Amazon...We all know about Amazon disrupting the whole world for profit ~ and in turn shutting down Mom and Pop strip malls so they can cram in more Amazon/Apple/Google corporate slaves creating a nightmarish computer industry 'mono culture' in the process...And lack of rent control is not helping low income people either...And taxing poor janitors holds them down too; Mister Biden...So why are low income people and/or people living in RVs and tents here in California actually paying taxes, Gavin? Therein lies the true evil of the Democratic party...What's yours is theirs ~ as we are almost all corporate slaves...

Democrats are not only quite often more racist in response to more racism; and they not only want men and women to stop talking to each other while encouraging us all to be homosexual -- but they also like to tax and allow overcharged rent which holds down the poor and homeless too as they wonder how the fuck this all happened...Why? Because they're stupid; that's why..."


The photo of the front door of Antonio's Nut House seen at the top of this blog post that I took a few weeks ago (one of Jim Finley's favorite Palo Alto bars by the way) is actually a great example of a simple posted business code at a bar for all to see...And the "Beware pickpockets and loose women" sign can be seen not only as a metaphor for government taxation and/or how the government is a whole lot like a dirty whore who is involved in class-based discrimination and pay-for-play justice -- but also how it's generally seen as being 'ok' for women to be loose in today's society ~ but not ok for men...As loose men are often seen as being dangerous ~ while loose women are often seen as being empowered...When long ago it used to be the other way around with organized religion controlling our sex lives and literally demonizing women...Until the 60s and 70s when things finally became more balanced -- before finally being re-perverted once again by the new brutal;
unforgiving and selfish organized religion of modern feminazi-ism...

NOTE: Anyone who finds the contents of this blog to be upsetting; just remember that not everyone has enjoyed a cushy; sheltered Silicon Valley existence...Some of us have paid a steep price for speaking out here in the valley of money...But I suspect that since there is such a large immigrant community here; at least some who may be reading this will totally get my New Nutopian Reality (and/or NNR); because for many that is precisely why they all came here; for freedom from retaliation and violence...They may not be outspoken about how they really feel about all of this due to fear of retaliation for supporting what some natives etc may consider to be subversive or dangerous due to their limited dialogues and sheltered existences; but I know damn well that at least some will silently know what I am talking about...But then these are the same people who are often upset about depictions of unchangeable history in general and/or who create negative mental complexes within others by focusing upon unchangeable aspects like race or gender etc...Everyone is free to make what they want of this because I am such a cool dude who just wants people to be free...But I am really no different than any other subversive and/or influential power usurping upstart public figure who speaks truth to the masses like AOC; Trump; John Lennon etc...It doesn't matter which side you are on and/or that you are on no side like me -- people need to talk their shit too just like me based upon their own inner projections...So lets just say if you are offended by anything written here; then I was just kidding and I'm deeply offended that you're deeply offended ~ but if you actually happen to like it THEN I MEANT EVERY WORD OF IT!...

The bottom line: for every person like me who has self-control and is aware of consequence and goes on a video shooting rampage instead of otherwise; and records music that will be screaming from his grave long after he is gone; then finally sues your grossly negligent asses and collects uncivil rights abuse-related monies ~ there are too many others who have no other recourse other than violence...So let this be a lesson to you all; as treating good-hearted humans like me and so many others like they do not matter can have drastic consequences beyond mere blog posts and protest music and video recordings and lawsuits...


1 comment:

  1. SEE ALSO: Sacramento Group Calls Sports Bar’s Dress Code Discriminatory @
