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WHICH SUNNYVALE POS/DPS/FD EMPLOYEE OWNED AND/OR OWNS THIS CHEVY TRUCK AND ARE THEY STILL EMPLOYED? GO TO: TIMELINE: ACTIVIST TARGETED FOR DISSENT @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/05/timeline-activist-targeted-for-dissent.html + THANKS FOR NOTHING / PART II -- MOTION FOR EXPUNGEMENT AND/OR FACTUAL INNOCENCE @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/06/thanks-for-nothing-part-ii-motion-for.html |
In the years after my Brother passed away I got involved in local activism partially as a way to distract me and help me get over it; and I was wildly successful in stopping new development in the Peterson field by bringing the entire neighborhood together and pissing off the developer and the City of Sunnyvale. But I highly suspect this also helped to bring on a multi-year police-sponsored harassment campaign that ended only after I stuck my neck out and pointed my video camera at some of the suspects and started slowly bringing it all to an end. What started out as a sort of self-help therapy for me by helping out the neighborhood ended up essentially as violence; sleep deprivation and torture as I was allowed to be attacked and stalked and harassed and menaced etc etc etc. And every time I tried to put and end to it all I would be accused of doing something wrong by either POS/SCPD and/or POS/DPS. All immigrants considering a move to the US should be aware that outspoken dissidents like me are quite often retaliated against.
Note: But if for some odd reason you do choose to eventually attend a city council meeting in the future; DO NOT give out your address on camera; just say you live in Sunnyvale (or whatever city you reside within) because if you are particularly successful or influential like I was; then your life could be in danger from retaliation as well. Everyone in the city can see that video of your council appearance and there are all kinds of evil freaks out there who can mess with you. If you do something against their governmental wishes; they might not only just refuse to protect and serve you like POS/DPS did for so long to me in retaliation -- but they might also participate in this purposeful destabilization and subjugation of you at your residence as well.
So beware and hold no illusions about local government. Cops can find out your address very easily anyway and they often watch the council meeting footage -- but don't make it easy for cops or other people to find where you live to protect your privacy and peace of mind. It appears to me they have a retaliatory underground network 10 miles deep.
So I would say don't go to council meetings altogether because with SB-50 local government cares less about your input and opinions than they ever did. But that would also signal the end of democracy as we know it like Governor Newsom seems to want; so that is probably not the best idea. Just realize that people in government ARE NOT your friends; and ARE NOT here to help you out necessarily (and almost all council decisions are made illegally ahead of time) they basically just want your tax dollars and for you to agree with them or shut the fuck up. But shutting up is not an option so using email is probably best...
I am not necessarily afraid of attending council meetings; I'm just not stupid either and I feel there are other better ways of getting my point across without putting my life at risk from further government retaliation. Either way; I suppose this is what I get for being the power-usurping self-appointed; unapologetic; unafraid Mayor of Southwest Sunnyvale who brought the neighborhood together to stop a largely unpopular new development...
I suppose this is to be expected from a local government who is determined to put houses in all the wrong places regardless of community input that doesn't seem to matter anymore due to SB-50. Like the old Butcher Family property at El Camino Real and Wolfe Road for instance. Google is thankfully finally following my lead by deciding to place housing on their own properties by rezoning commercial/industrial land far away from neighborhoods. Either way; the push-back against my successful activism showed that local government doesn't actually care what the local community thinks about their quite often half baked developmental ideas; they just put on the usual show at public hearings and pretend to care about the opinions of their constituents.
Why else would several business entities be allowed to be crammed into the Patrick Henry and Raynor school properties ~ when a 7-11 or a pot club would not be allowed due to excess traffic concerns? The truth is; people want local control when it comes to new building development that affects their lives even more than they want local control when it comes to pot clubs.
Traffic is traffic and congestion is congestion so it doesn't matter that children are being brought into the neighborhood; because too much of anything is too much -- and one trillion children a day is simply too much to bring into this neighborhood. Once again; people don't care whether it is a pot club; a day care center or anything else -- they want safe neighborhoods without excess traffic ruining the quality of their lives...
Perhaps a ride sharing plan needs to be created for Stratford School (which is a large franchised entity) and the Patrick Henry property as well so people can take turns driving other peoples' kids to school and not only take cars off the road; but also give parents a break from driving across town so damn much. Or perhaps using buses for all people who live in outlying regions (for instance) so less cars enter the neighborhood and parents get a break from driving across town before work; saving money on gas and reducing greenhouse gases as well.
Anyway; once again it is more than obvious that what happened to me in the past decade or so -- government-sponsored retaliation against a successful activist -- is now morphing into Democrats in the State of California thinking they are going to forcefully kill and bury democracy for the greater cause of new building development anywhere they please regardless of what anyone else thinks. But this mentality has pissed off so many people that SB 50 has been thankfully shelved until the end of the year due to public anger and discourse.
GO TO: Government Controlled Housing: SB 50—Shelved by State Senate @ http://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/government-controlled-housing-sb-50-shelved-by-state-senate/
It is also more than obvious that human populations have reached a critical mass point; and the roughly 18 year drought cycle that just ended here is now manifesting down in South America; with Brazils' Balsonaro making things worse by driving people out of the rainforest he is actively destroying and causing them to seek better lives here in America and elsewhere. (Therefore; I tend to think Balsonaro probably needs to be taken out with a high-powered space-based laser).
But this time has been coming for a quite awhile; I saw it all coming a mile away microcosmically when the important agricultural region of Silicon Valley was allowed to be destroyed with over development in the 1990s for computer industry interests.
Rents quickly doubled and the general cost of living skyrocketed during this time while the quality of life dimished; laying the groundwork for even more eventual problems like homelessness and financial desperation that now grips the region -- along with many other regions as well.
The toll this took on local wildlife was devastating as well; as localities bent over backwards for their new owners (computer industry overlords) while mercilessly paving over green fields that people loved so much -- part of the reason I fought so hard to protect the Peterson field.
Rents quickly doubled and the general cost of living skyrocketed during this time while the quality of life dimished; laying the groundwork for even more eventual problems like homelessness and financial desperation that now grips the region -- along with many other regions as well.
The toll this took on local wildlife was devastating as well; as localities bent over backwards for their new owners (computer industry overlords) while mercilessly paving over green fields that people loved so much -- part of the reason I fought so hard to protect the Peterson field.
GO TO: SCUSD REMOVES OWL BOXES INSTALLED WITH TAX DOLLARS FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2018/07/scusd-removes-owl-boxes-installed-with.html +
ENDANGERED WILDLIFE HABITAT DESTROYED @ MISSION COLLEGE IN SANTA CLARA CALIFORNIA @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2018/01/endangered-wildlife-habitat-destroyed.html
ENDANGERED WILDLIFE HABITAT DESTROYED @ MISSION COLLEGE IN SANTA CLARA CALIFORNIA @ https://lreblogger.blogspot.com/2018/01/endangered-wildlife-habitat-destroyed.html
Note: The recent UN report on unchecked development and subsequent wildlife destruction was foreshadowed by out of control development in Silicon Valley; which was merely a microcosm of what has really going on around the world for a long time now. And I cannot help but think improper planning that led to the current Silicon Valley housing/jobs imbalance has been reproduced elsewhere causing the same devastating results. Google is supposed to do no harm; so what happened?
As far fetched as it sounds; my DoD buddy "T" once told me that my aura and/or field energies surrounding my body were visible to him; and that the US government has satellites that can see these aural field energies...They use it to track wildlife movement etc...He also told me that everyone has a unique electrical signature to their aura and that I have a particularly pronounced aura that he recognized as being not only unique but very special as well. And I have been told the same thing by a few other people; the ex-Owner of JJ's blues Lounge June once told me the same thing back in the 1990s while I was delivering BAM Magazine -- and another female back in the 1990s told me the shape of my particular field energies (and/or "wings" as she called them) makes me an Elohim Angel!?! Think about it...I've had SWAT teams called on me for: 1) feeding ducks and 2) cleaning up litter...So yeh...It just makes 'sense'...And sometimes I think...hmmm...I guess all I generally do is care about wildlife and feed ducks and take care of animals in general -- and now my Dad too; so to your average self-obsessed survivalist person out to get themselves ahead in life -- I probably seem illogical. I can see that. I totally can...
I personally am still largely taken aback by this Elohim notion like some of you likely are; but I wouldn't be surprised if it's true...I suppose aural photography might help to prove this...And this also led me to the notion that all law enforcement personnel should definitely have their auras scanned to weed out the psychopaths and protect public safety in the process...I was told blue auras are good and orange auras are bad and show bad intent by a lady who sung the national anthem at A's games...She was at a local 7-11 and mentioned that my aura was blue...Two guys walked in and she shuddered and said something like "their auras are orange!..." While I could see the bad intent in their eyes...They reminded me of a bunch of rowdy friends I had back in high school (see photo of my old high school below)…
Fun Facts: A) Marks the approximate spot where I used to sleep with my first girlfriend when I was 18 years old. We would get a bottle of White Vinfandel wine and a sleeping bag and do it out in the Peterson field on full moon nights. Have you ever really lived your life like this? If not I suggest you try it sometime. Connection to the earth and it's naturally occurring electromagnetism during the full moon actually enhances orgasms believe it or not. B) Is the approximate location where an impromptu party happened back in high school at the condos adjacent to the school; I saw someone drink an entire beer with a beer bong then throw it right back up all over the carpet. C) Not only did I semi-attend Peterson High School; but I also went to Patrick Henry Intermediate School as well for 7th and 8th grade and have lived in this neighborhood for over 50 years without incident. Z) My DoD buddy 'T" said due to the fact that my unusual aura gave me away as being "one of the good ones"; that's exactly why I was allowed to be messed with so extensively. (SEE: EVIL) It sounds like science fiction to me but regardless of the veracity of this claim; their efforts did not work because I am so badass...And they (RPF etc) are all running for the hills afraid of me now ~ but that's just too bad now isn't it RPF? You all messed with THE WRONG PERSON...Other than that; there really is no Z...
Note: The main way that "T" helped me out was in letting me know that my independent scientific research was valid one night at the Oasis Nightclub; also claiming that I was not in fact crazy as some in law enforcement were ridiculously suggesting; leading to even more independent research ~ and eventually the LRE Research blog. So yeah; I'm pretty much of a genius in my own right so too bad Officer Seagrave; FUCK OFF! THEN GO TO: LRE RESEARCH @ http://lreresearch.blogspot.com/
Apparently Terrorist Seagrave (TS) has been called a terrorist by some of her own fellow cops; and most of the information that I gained regarding TS came from an anonymous source who was being regularly harassed by TS while sleeping in her car about a decade ago when the homeless situation in this region was starting to fester.
It turns out TS was and/or still is being allowed to live in a deceased persons' house in Santa Clara who had no family to pass the house down to; which is kind of strange and questionable if you ask me -- especially for a piece of shit like TS. And this information adds an element of federal level rights violations to this mess; as during the post-911 rampant rights abuse frenzy many innocent Americans were wrongfully scrutinized and/or harassed and/or disappeared altogether like Pablo Lopez threatened to me FOR FEEDING DUCKS THE EX-MAYOR OF SANTA CLARA JUDY NADLER GAVE ME PERMISSION TO FEED AT A SANTA CLARA CITY COUNCIL MEETING!?!
GO TO: TERRORIST SEAGRAVE ~ X-13 @ http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2008/07/terrorist-seagrave-x-13.html + ANIMAL CRUELTY AND THE TOUGH LADY COP @ http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/07/animal-cruelty-and-tough-lady-cop.html + FEDERAL X-OFFICER GABBY SEAGRAVE AND THE 10 MOST CROOKED THINGS THE FBI HAS EVER DONE @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/04/federal-x-officer-gabby-seagrave-and-10.html + S.C.P.D. INTERNAL AFFAIRS AND FEDERAL X-13 OFFICER GABRIELLE SEAGRAVE @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/08/santa-clara-police-internal-affairs-and.html + JOHN IS AN ACTIVIST WHETHER X-13 OFFICER GABRIELLE SEAGRAVE LIKES IT OR NOT @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/06/john-is-activist-whether-x-13-officer.html + INSTITUTIONALIZED GENDER DISCRIMINATION Pt. II @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/07/institutionalized-gender-discrimination_25.html
Furthermore; the Acapulco Restaurant; Oasis Nightclub; Woodhams Lounge and Blinkys Can't Say all illegally ejected me from their private businesses of public accommodation. 3 out of 4 or these nightclubs shut down after the ejection; and Blinkys Can't Say Lounge changed its' name.
Remember that I have been called an "Elohim Angel" by some who can see my aura;
but also remember what happens when an angel falls after being purposefully pushed over the edge...
Note: The main way that "T" helped me out was in letting me know that my independent scientific research was valid one night at the Oasis Nightclub; also claiming that I was not in fact crazy as some in law enforcement were ridiculously suggesting; leading to even more independent research ~ and eventually the LRE Research blog. So yeah; I'm pretty much of a genius in my own right so too bad Officer Seagrave; FUCK OFF! THEN GO TO: LRE RESEARCH @ http://lreresearch.blogspot.com/
Apparently Terrorist Seagrave (TS) has been called a terrorist by some of her own fellow cops; and most of the information that I gained regarding TS came from an anonymous source who was being regularly harassed by TS while sleeping in her car about a decade ago when the homeless situation in this region was starting to fester.
It turns out TS was and/or still is being allowed to live in a deceased persons' house in Santa Clara who had no family to pass the house down to; which is kind of strange and questionable if you ask me -- especially for a piece of shit like TS. And this information adds an element of federal level rights violations to this mess; as during the post-911 rampant rights abuse frenzy many innocent Americans were wrongfully scrutinized and/or harassed and/or disappeared altogether like Pablo Lopez threatened to me FOR FEEDING DUCKS THE EX-MAYOR OF SANTA CLARA JUDY NADLER GAVE ME PERMISSION TO FEED AT A SANTA CLARA CITY COUNCIL MEETING!?!
GO TO: TERRORIST SEAGRAVE ~ X-13 @ http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2008/07/terrorist-seagrave-x-13.html + ANIMAL CRUELTY AND THE TOUGH LADY COP @ http://neighborhood-copwatch.blogspot.com/2007/07/animal-cruelty-and-tough-lady-cop.html + FEDERAL X-OFFICER GABBY SEAGRAVE AND THE 10 MOST CROOKED THINGS THE FBI HAS EVER DONE @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/04/federal-x-officer-gabby-seagrave-and-10.html + S.C.P.D. INTERNAL AFFAIRS AND FEDERAL X-13 OFFICER GABRIELLE SEAGRAVE @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/08/santa-clara-police-internal-affairs-and.html + JOHN IS AN ACTIVIST WHETHER X-13 OFFICER GABRIELLE SEAGRAVE LIKES IT OR NOT @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/06/john-is-activist-whether-x-13-officer.html + INSTITUTIONALIZED GENDER DISCRIMINATION Pt. II @ https://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2013/07/institutionalized-gender-discrimination_25.html
Furthermore; the Acapulco Restaurant; Oasis Nightclub; Woodhams Lounge and Blinkys Can't Say all illegally ejected me from their private businesses of public accommodation. 3 out of 4 or these nightclubs shut down after the ejection; and Blinkys Can't Say Lounge changed its' name.
All of these illegal ejections and closures with zero action taken by the State of California (very likely due to the fact that I am a low income white male -- mainly low income). The Black Woman's Book Club got a lawyer and press coverage and an $11 million dollar settlement while I got repeatedly illegally ejected and officially ignored. Therefore; any minorities complaining about racism don't have a clue about the true insidious nature of reverse racism that some pretend does not exist; as whites are now a minority in many regions. The bay area region as a rule is generally racially biased against whites and this is apparently the new 'acceptable' norm.
Note: So all the talk about "black lives matter" is really all about black lives already being worth more than white lives in the court of law; and white lives often being subjugated and lessened the same way blacks were so long ago (and still are in many regions other than the bay area). Like me being attacked several times with no arrests made; and police making me feel like I did something wrong after being attacked. Part of this discrimination and/or racially-motivated gross negligence is based in funding gaps and/or lack of money for courts -- but I strongly suspect that a greater part of this story is all about LAZINESS. Probably because if the courts are only recognizing the rights of some instead of all; that means less work for them and a harder time for all of us. Not only is it a hassle to drive out to the edge of Sunnyvale territory to respond; but it is also a major hassle to write a police report. And it is an even BIGGER hassle to bring a case to court. It's quite simply WORK that they do not want to do; so helping out some -- instead of all -- quite simply makes it easier for them. It also creates a 'necessary' division that keeps people fighting and keeps government in control of the mess.
Regardless of this disgusting new reverse-racist trend; the fact remains that The Acapulco Restaurant illegally ejected me using class-based discrimination due to the fact that I admitted spending only $20 per week at the club after complaining to the corporate headquarters. People would come in and drop $3000 for a party on the deck so why would they give a shit about my $20 per week? Well; a whole bunch of people actually liked to hear me sing and showed up every week for free entertainment. After I got kicked out the bar slowly became less popular and eventually shut down. A criminal gang took over the Acapulco around this time; and I eventually heard the operators were embezzling money from the restaurant and eventually got busted for it.
I then saw a karaoke sign in front of the Oasis Nightclub and started going there regularly. There were a lot of gangs there too; and many underaged patrons -- but it was a fun place to sing and hang out so that became my new place to practice my singing mainly because it was close by.
And it is not my intention to start yet another Nannygate controversy; but I initially had a crush on a Nanny named Leslie until I found out she was giving blow jobs out on the back porch. She was pretty hot looking and I semi-regret passing on her; but she was too much for me.
Leslie ended up marrying a male bartender from the Oasis anyway so that was probably meant to be because he knew how to handle her shit unlike anyone else. I was a patron at the Oasis for about 10+ years before finally being illegally ejected after KJ Doug Ward attacked me right under a surveillance camera and Sunnyvale POS/DPS refused to pull up the footage. I filed a claim with the City of Sunnyvale and George Hills Company got back to me promising to investigate the incident; which they never did. I am still waiting 5 years later...
Similar to this illegal ejection from a private business of public accommodation is Google / You Tube deleting a viral video with no due process recorded at the Oasis Nightclub @ 952 El Camino Real in Sunnyvale California that initially had something like 40,000+ hits; but when I reposted it again on a new You tube channel ~ it now only has at this point in time about 196 hits. It's the exact same video but she caught a viral video wave that passed and you can thank Google / You Tube for crashing that cool wave of hers.
She was very excited thinking she was going to be a star -- once telling me:
"when I blow up and get famous you're going to be my photographer...".
'Mister Doug' also sang regularly at the Oasis; and passed away shortly after I was illegally ejected. Mister Doug was around 90+ years old and he had a pacemaker implanted but still went out and drank and had a good time until the end. I recorded some videos of him seen below.
Adding to this; a video of a deceased chiropractor singing karaoke is gone; and videos of Bartender Stephanie singing karaoke while bartending before her daughter was born -- along with about roughly 1,500 other classic karaoke videos as well. I was recording and posting my own videos and it just made sense to record other people as well so it wasn't all about me.
Note: And if these karaoke videos did not violate Sunnyvale standards ~ how the heck could they have violated You Tube community standards?!? Unless Google /You Tube sees itself as somehow being above the law?! It looks a whole lot like an FBI agent was sitting right next to me the whole time I was recording videos; so if it wasn't a problem for the FBI then who cares what Google thinks about it?
By the way: For those who have been manipulated by NSA/FBI chatter into thinking this is a 'manifesto': I would never use such gender specific and/or sexist dialogue to describe this blog...'Personifesto' would be the more appropriate term if it actually was one; but it's not...So don't worry about guns being used; guns are for wimps who are not real men like cops etc...Bottom line: consent is being manufactured on TV etc as we speak to try and delete this blog and control the bogus law enforcement narrative that I have blown all to pieces with my personal truths...If this ever happens all of this is backed up in html format and can easily be migrated to my personal web site www.likroper.com...So I'm not the least bit worried about it...I really need to update my website anyway; and start advertising it once again all over the Silicon Valley and beyond...
The 'worst' thing that may have been on those videos was lesbians humping on pool tables in the background which they regularly did; but we just celebrated Pride Month so that kind of thing should be a non-issue at this point Google / You Tube. Googlers have a right to interpret their ethics the way they see fit; but they also have to adhere to preexisting laws as well that allow for free speech and expression etc -- and they need to realize we are not all geeky techie types who go to sleep early and eat ice cream as our main vice.
By the way: For those who have been manipulated by NSA/FBI chatter into thinking this is a 'manifesto': I would never use such gender specific and/or sexist dialogue to describe this blog...'Personifesto' would be the more appropriate term if it actually was one; but it's not...So don't worry about guns being used; guns are for wimps who are not real men like cops etc...Bottom line: consent is being manufactured on TV etc as we speak to try and delete this blog and control the bogus law enforcement narrative that I have blown all to pieces with my personal truths...If this ever happens all of this is backed up in html format and can easily be migrated to my personal web site www.likroper.com...So I'm not the least bit worried about it...I really need to update my website anyway; and start advertising it once again all over the Silicon Valley and beyond...
The 'worst' thing that may have been on those videos was lesbians humping on pool tables in the background which they regularly did; but we just celebrated Pride Month so that kind of thing should be a non-issue at this point Google / You Tube. Googlers have a right to interpret their ethics the way they see fit; but they also have to adhere to preexisting laws as well that allow for free speech and expression etc -- and they need to realize we are not all geeky techie types who go to sleep early and eat ice cream as our main vice.
*Conservative people almost always inevitably think everyone else is going to choose to live their lives like them; this will never change...But that notion could not be farther from the truth -- a truth which is highly relative...
Many other people loved going home and watching their videos the next week as well and showing them to their kids or whatever. It helped improve all of our vocal techniques by being able to critique our performances as well as providing entertainment. In the end; it is history erased. And it is not fair that my karaoke videos are still posted when others who sang at the same club are not. Come on! I'm not that good of a singer! Let's make room for everyone!
GO TO: http://youtube.com/LIKROPER
Then in 2016; I was illegally ejected once again from the Oasis; being told by ex-owner Jerry Grimes that I was "starting fights" that I did not start -- mainly due to George Hills negligence. I got attacked by KJ Doug; remember Jerry?
It turns out Doug was not "getting any" from his now girlfriend at the time Tara; which was making him sexually frustrated and therefore violent due to his sexual frustration. (which is but a microcosm of the current violent / asexual situation here in America at this time in history) And this all happened because POS/DPS Officers Smith and Ochoa refused to pull up the surveillance footage of the attack as promised; and they used the color of law to illegally eject me and violate my civil rights in 2012 telling me I would be trespassing if I returned!?!
(It should be mentioned that I am in fact a 56 year old male who is nearing his later years; and even though I make an effort to stay young looking I am still just that; a near senior citizen. And you hear a lot of talk about not allowing elderly people to be isolated; so why was I allowed to be separated from my various good friends at the Oasis during my senior years? Law enforcement needs to realize that what quite often seems like small; relatively insignificant incidents like club ejections are actually a HUGE deal. Just because cops quite often rough people up during arrest does not mean people can go around roughing people up in response to their dissent like KJ Doug Ward did. While I was made to feel like I did not belong at the Oasis; if anything I belonged there as much or more than anyone else. And I had inadvertently turned into the club photographer and pretty much owned the place at the time I was asked to leave. And just because many cops are these sort of talentless jerk thugs types who are all high on themselves due to government-sanctioned narcissistic personality disorder and/or slanted media coverage and/or lack of release of police misconduct records due to a conspiratorial government coverup does not mean all of us are equally talentless -- some of us need a place to hone that talent and are high on ourselves for different and more substantive reasons than half-truthed media coverage)
The arbitrary discrimination I experienced can just as easily manifest: 1) against an unwanted lesbian in an uptight red state restaurant; 2) a MAGA hat wearing Trump fan in a blue state bar; or 3) an African-American in a bar full of white people in the southern United States etc etc etc. (Which is precisely why a federal law mirroring Californias' denial of service law is needed to cover all 50 states -- and especially after the Red Hen restaurant incident) Adding to all of this; cops like Ochoa and Smith cannot obstruct justice either by refusing to pull up surveillance footage of a misdemeanor assault in front of a bar. And I don't know what is worse: being isolated and separated from friends for the last 7 years or so since 2012 ~ or sitting in a jail cell rotting. I'm not quite sure which is worse. And this happened in 2012 during the rise of the anti-social media era when much of humanity was losing it's social compass and falling into social isolation.
Either way; it turns out my father had a stroke recently and needs to be taken care of; AND I SAVED HIS LIFE BY CALLING 911 WHEN THE STROKE OCCURRED so that is what I am still doing now whether the Sunnyvale POS/DPS likes it or not. I suspect at least some of the homeless in this region were forcibly removed from their residences like POS/DPS tried unsuccessfully to do to me; so too bad POS/DPS. Go fuck yourselves you worthless bastards.
*This is where the intentional infliction of emotional distress enters the picture: this slanderous; semi-psychopathic Social Worker was told repeatedly by John Father that his arm was NOT broken by John (it was actually Johns' sisters' fault for not helping Dad take his bag out of the trunk of the vehicle) but this Social Worker kept insisting otherwise; maliciously "digging the knife into Johns' back" while pretending to possess empathy; obviously enjoying hurting Johns' feelings in the process.
NOTE: INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS (CA): A cause of action for intentional infliction of emotional distress consists of: (1) outrageous conduct by the defendant with the intention to cause or reckless disregard of the probability of causing emotional distress, (2) severe emotional suffering and (3) actual and proximate causation of the emotional distress. + SEE ALSO: Police Conduct and Emotional Distress @ http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/police-conduct-emotional-distress.html > Note: Sunnyvale DPS Officers Fuji and Gantt took literally 2 MONTHS to respond to the 25 December 2014 incident where Johns' beloved Cat Missy was put to sleep after having her back purposefully broken on Christmas Day 2015. This 2014 incident; and the 20 September 2016 incident where Officer Mathers (and another unknown officer) displayed zero Sunnyvale DPS deference for the life of Johns' beloved cats -- showed unawareness that many people care more about their pets than their government employees (as Hurricane Katrina showed us all).
GO TO: 20 SEP 2016 / SLANDEROUS; SEMI-PSYCHOPATHIC SOCIAL WORKER AT THE VCA PET HOSPITAL @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2017/03/20-sep-2016-slanderous-semi.html
I then was ejected one final time at the end of May 2019; with a threatening message left by Doug on my windshield which I sent to Sunnyvale POS/DPS via-Facebook; but POS/DPS refused once again to help me out; therefore creating another incident within the statute of limitations for me to pursue legally. I texted my FBI buddy Gary Perez and Gary got Doug to corroborate the story and the Oasis Nightclub shut down shortly after at the end of May right after Jerry Grimes learned the truth about KJ Doug Ward.
After being illegally kicked out of the Oasis with justice obstruction; I then started riding my bike to Woodhams Lounge in San Jose instead. After a few months of Saturday nights there; I received a surprise attack by an unknown patron and was thrust to the floor. I called SJPD and they responded to the scene. The attack was witnessed by KJ Joe Soria (an ally of mine) and the bartender/owner as well; but Joe Soria was never questioned about the attack by law enforcement after bringing it to numerous peoples' attention. To make a long story short; I was illegally ejected from Woodhams Lounge for calling the police instead of keeping it in house and letting the owners' bouncer/thugs handle the situation. And the responding SJPD officer said something that suggested he knew exactly what happened between me and my attacker even though he never actually spoke to my attacker who had fled the scene before they arrived; which makes me highly suspect that they may have been undercover cops. Adding to all of this; the owner of Woodhams Lounge sent me an email virus as payback.
But after bringing this highly illegal act to the attention of various government entities over the past few years; zero action was ever taken to call this individual out for her illegal retaliation. The Black Woman's Book Club never got attacked and/or had any email viruses sent to them -- and they got $11 million dollars; while I got attacked and kicked out and sent an email virus.
(Note: SCCDA Jeff Rosen's supposed 'Smart Justice' is quite often nothing more than Obstruction of Justice)
My guitar player friend Jim Finley passed away around this same time; so I took a year off singing to mourn and start playing bass over my drum tracks that needed attention. I did that for about a year or so then went to Blinky's Can't Say Lounge by chance to start singing again. I hung out for awhile and made even more good friends (like the ones I got separated from at the Oasis and the Acapulco Restaurant) before being illegally ejected once again from yet another private business of public accommodation by Bartender Heather following instructions from ex-Owner Danielle.
Danielles' good friend who was the bouncer at the time at Blinky's (someone who had my back -- I made sure of it and he is still my good friend on Facebook) said that Danielle was supposedly a major head game player with the guys she dated...
Therefore I strongly suspect the illegal ejection I experienced at Blinky's is very likely directly connected to this same kind of 'Daniellian' (if you will) bitch/cunt pattern and practice behavioral tendencies. Danielle came on to me one night out in front of the bar; but she was dating my friend Elliot so I turned her down. Danielle is now married to Elliots' best friend Donny.
*And it turns out (according to Michael) that Bartender Heather was/is major BJ cougar machine who dated college guys from Santa Clara University after breaking up with her tow truck driver boyfriend Talon.
I complained about the Blinky's civil rights abuse online on Facebook; and eventually Danielle sold the bar and fled to Northern California and bought an entire block with the money from Blinky's. I eventually spoke to the new owner of Blinky's and she said the bad press was adversely affecting her new business; so since she had nothing to do with the illegal behavior I deleted the Blinky's Facebook page for her; but she eventually ended up changing the name anyway. And this is the third bar that shut down after illegally ejecting me and no one seems the least bit concerned about all of this illegal behavior except me and a few other enlightened folks.
(This has another side to it; after being a patron at Blinkys for about 2 years I noticed that graduating classes would often have mini-reunions at Blinky's; but now if they return again the old Blinkys name has been changed and many Santa Clara University graduates no longer have their same old favorite haunt to gather at)
The Acapulco Restaurant; Oasis Nightclub; Woodhams Lounge and Blinky's Can't Say all illegally ejected me from their private businesses of public accommodation. 3 out of 4 or these nightclubs shut down after the ejection; and Blinkys Can't Say Lounge changed its' name.
Note: As aforementioned; the fact remains that Missy Cat was purposefully killed on Christams day by somneone who was caught in the act on surrveillance camera and Sunnyvale POS/DPS took TWO FUCKING MONTHS TO RESPOND TO THIS INCIDENT!?! When it is generally common knowledge in law enforcement that following up on crimes has about a 48 hour window before it gets harder to solve the crime. And I was illegally ejected from Blinky's Can't Say about one month before this occurred; so I will now ask the question again: DID THE UNTIMELY AND SEEMINGLY PURPOSEFUL DEATH OF MISSY HAPPEN HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS ILLEGAL CLUB EJECTION FROM BLINKY'S CAN'T SAY LOUNGE?
Could it perhaps have something to do with this? > http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-mystery-man-from-lockheed-mml-and.html + GO TO: REST IN PEACE MISSY CAT / 25 DEC 2015 @ http://addendumblog1.blogspot.com/2015/12/rest-in-peace-missy-cat-25-dec-2015.html
Through all of this I have learned that lawyers take more cases from black individuals than whites quite simply because to some shallow individuals in our society black lives matter more than white lives -- and they loudly announce this in a very public way on TV and in the print media etc. When the truth is: all lives matter equally; even though the percentage of a whites' settlement is quite often infinitesimally smaller than a blacks' settlement for the exact same thing.
(Many lawyers simply don't take cases for whites because there is simply not enough money in it for them on percentage)
Which is yet another disgusting example of evil and divisive government-sponsored racial discrimination and racial disparity here in America. Then when you add in the government-sanctioned discrimination against poor white males (class/race/gender) it makes it that much tougher to attain equal justice for whites with all of this government-sanctioned racial disparity.
Part of this is due to lack of funding for courts; but I highly suspect the larger part of it is like I said before: just plain laziness. Remember that writing police reports is more work; so why write more? And it's easier for cops to deal with potentially dangerous suspects with knives by just shooting them (remember: mentally ill = shoot to kill) instead of laying back and waiting for them to calm down. Another trend I largely blame on laziness -- and arrogance as well among many other factors. I have successfully avoided 3 crazy people with knives in my life; and none of them were arrested for it and no one got hurt. Bottom line; we don't even shoot mountain lions in California anymore.
And with all the talk about Jeffery Epstein being an alleged threat to public safety; it brings to mind Officer Lima supposedly having killed 11 people on the job. So why isn't Officer Lima and other equally dangerous officers categorically defined in the same fashion as Epstein? If anything rogue cop thugs like Officer Lima who CA AG Xavier Becerra has been working so hard to protect need to be viewed differently. They need to be seen as a threat to the community at large.
Note: Playing psychologist for a minute; Jeffery Epstein had so much money that it perhaps made it very difficult for him to find a female adult partner who was into him for the right reasons. And since so many women tend to become increasingly obsessed with money the older they get -- perhaps teenagers were Epsteins' affordable choice for more reasons than one. Let's face it; teenage girls can be very 'hot' if you will -- and especially in the summer time. And teenage prostitutes are as old as the hills...
Gary Perez was in an SF punk band called the 'Teenage Prostitutes' back in the 1970s and a riot broke out at one show. Gary was blamed for it and he spent the next few years in court over it too; so Gary knows all about being ejected from nightclubs for other peoples' violence (like the punks who didn't have to react violently at that particular punk rock show and/or KJ Doug Ward etc). That was essentially the beginning of the end of Garys' musical career; and he rarely even plays guitar anymore. Another time; Gary punched a cop and got into big trouble.
Gary said cops beat him up after his trial for attacking a cop in the tunnel that goes from the courtroom to the jail cell at First Street and Hedding. So when a cop gets hit; it's a big deal -- but when I got attacked outside the Oasis; it was a little deal to Officers Smith and Ochoa. And cops often used to beat up suspects like what happened to Gary Perez all the time without recourse (and still do -- which is a civil rights violation by the way) Either way; in the end it looks like they 'flipped' Gary and got him to work for the US government.
One night during the height of the RPF domestic terrorism attacks; I was particularly pissed off and complaining to Gary about how if the RPF was focusing their efforts on his parents' house (for instance) or my Asian or Mexican neighbors; it would be a considered to be a hate crime due to the racial aspect of it and it would be brought to an end and the suspects would be prosecuted. But because I was part of a white family being harassed and stalked and menaced by other white families it did not seem to matter to anyone. It cancelled itself out in a sense.
Regardless; there are still other applicable laws for this situation that were not utilized...
*FOR INSTANCE; Since federal criminal code defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"; why have the people who harassed and stalked and menaced John at his residence for the last decade NOT been charged with terrorism-related offenses? Could it have something to do with the criminals in question being Caucasian American citizens? What if they were of Middle Eastern descent? GO TO: THE DEFINITION OF TERRORISM @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/03/the-definition-of-terrorism.html
*FOR INSTANCE; Since federal criminal code defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives"; why have the people who harassed and stalked and menaced John at his residence for the last decade NOT been charged with terrorism-related offenses? Could it have something to do with the criminals in question being Caucasian American citizens? What if they were of Middle Eastern descent? GO TO: THE DEFINITION OF TERRORISM @ https://addendumblog2.blogspot.com/2016/03/the-definition-of-terrorism.html
What this all really means to me is that immigrants seeking refuge in the US are not necessarily safer here and I am living proof of this -- unless they keep their heads down and mouths shut that is -- and stay out of political activism. And if Officer Lima really did kill 11 people on the job as alleged; then this information is clearly in the public interest as it is essentially a threat to public safety for police departments to refrain from releasing such vital police misconduct-oriented information (CA AG Xavier Beccera). Note: Too many cops are high on themselves due to the slanted media coverage they enjoy from the major media outlets; when they should be simply adhering to their oaths...
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Either way; it is beyond disgusting and/or embarrassing to see police agencies hide their misconduct records as they continue to expose the records of other criminals they process. Police in California are living in glass houses and obviously in total denial about how important it is to release those records. Countless cases remain in limbo as they stall and stonewall the release of these all-important records; allowing various statutes of limitations to run out and mainly -- to save money on compensatory settlements. This kind of government-sanctioned narcissism is the norm though; and it's not just cops who are guilty and corrupt -- IT'S QUITE OFTEN JUDGES TOO! GO TO: UGLY JUDGE @ http://www.uglyjudge.com/
SEE ALSO: California Police Stonewalling Release of Rogue Cops Records @
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