Monday, June 10, 2019


What I find to be most troubling about all of this is that I was fooled by the Obama administration's vague "Hope" and "Change" message; thinking the Obama Administration would actually come to my rescue and finally bring closure to this situation long ago. But instead of helping me out -- the Obama administration furthered a racial agenda by replacing police chiefs with minorities who probably care even less about my situation than the white idiots they had in charge before.

But the Obama DOJ did determine that my friend Lee Bagley had his rights violated (this was overturned by the Trump administration before Lee was finally compensated with 'hush money' for $150,000) but for some reason the DOJ saw no problem with my problems (which is another problem within itself) likely due to a gross mischaracterization of events by POS/DPS and/or deeply embedded local police misconduct that has been happening for many years unabated until the recent release of police misconduct records.

But I have heard that Obama allegedly did the exact same thing to others that happened to me as Obama was supposedly a "community organizer"; yelling outside of peoples' residences; terrorizing; stalking and harassing people disguised as "activism" just like the RPF.

(What pissed me off the most about the Obama administration was President Obama making seemingly impromptu public speeches regarding medical marijuana right when my pot stocks were rallying' and causing the stocks to tumble afterwards. And this happened various times leading me to believe that federal investigative powers were somehow being abused to hold me back financially. I know it sounds a bit far fetched but it happened a few times to the point where it seemed like a pattern was forming. I planned for my financial rebound with a last minute hail mary pass buying pot stocks using the last $1000 dollars left of my life insurance policy money that my brother left for me after he died; but not only did Obama's DOJ totally ignore my pleas for help -- but it also looks a whole lot like they plotted against me in some kind of insidious way -- as they lived the high life...And the SEC has been on Elon Musks' case lately about affecting the stock market with his comments; and while Biden was considered to be a major gaffer -- it looks a whole lot like Obama was the real gaffer here while no one called him on it...)

I was in contact with Lee and the Sunnyvale City Council etc via email in the weeks before Lee's deposition and closed door court hearing; and I wanted to combine both cases and go pattern and practice with no statute of limitations to get even more compensation for both Lee and I due to the 20 years of police misconduct that I experienced as well. In the end; Lee went from being promised $20 million for his case; to getting only $150,000 (likely partially due to the lack of my testimony ~ and partially due to evidence Lee's lawyer suppressed right in front of the judge) City council members bypassed me entirely and paid off Lee -- driving a wedge between us and further subjugating me. I think I helped Lee get his settlement by expounding upon his case via email; but Lee did not help me as promised and the City of Sunnyvale continues to play their evasive hide and seek game with me. (Most people are shit...remember that...Lee's lawyer ran off with the lions's share of the settlement -- about $500,000 dollars -- while I have self-litigated at zero cost to me in a way the city cannot even begin to counter as they continue to discount my life and pretend that I do not exist. I tend to think they just like to throw around lots of money because it makes them feel important or something -- when the truth is: lawyers and attorneys are often GROSSLY overpaid just like doctors who drive up health care costs while out golfing in the afternoon) Anyway...there is no statute of limitations on pattern and practice cases; therefore an eventual appeal is still possible and Lee gave me permission to do this...

The worst part of all this is City of Sunnyvale representatives held a secret surprise hearing without telling Lee ahead of time (so Lee could be better prepared) like I said before in a very large sense giving Lee 'hush money' that drove a wedge between Lee and I; stopping us from working on music our deceased guitar player friend Jimmy Finley expressly wanted ME to play drums on. Jimmy recorded some last guitar tracks on Lee's digital recorder and I was to play over them eventually; that is until Lee got his hush money from the city and left me in the dust -- likely going on a spending spree or something -- not realizing that $150,000 seems like a whole lot of money at first; but in the end it's not really that much. Especially here in the Silicon Valley where it is chump change at best. I'll bet Lee has already burned through half of that money. Tick tock...

(Note: While it is generally not a good idea to stand in judgement of others; they were already among the lowliest scum of the earth before all of this -- but these new developments make the Sunnyvale City Council and their cop buddies who were at Lee's hearing take the shit cake and win the top mega dung pile prize for being the largest and by far the stinkiest piles of horse shit and vomitus oozing out the depths of Hell in all of the history of inhumanity...)

But I think Lee was also very upset and confused because after he got his settlement I had told him that our deceased old friend Jimmy Finley (I call him Jimley) was actually bisexual and that it didn't matter because he was our friend. Lee was confused and took this information very hard. Lee is a Christian man and he has the right to feel the way he does. (click here)

And some newfound archaeological evidence even points to the possibility that Jesus may have been against homosexuality. Regardless; societal ideologies have drastically evolved since then; and quite honestly homosexuality does not overpopulate the planet ~ so at this point in history it is probably more ok than ever. These societal ideologies have evolved to the point where we have also even semi-collectively had legislative revelations about civil rights and civil liberties ~ with federal and state etc laws mandating fair and equal treatment in public spaces without arbitrary discrimination; intimidation or coercion. And other equally important oaths requiring law enforcement to protect and serve people other than themselves have appeared as well.


(Note: The police misconduct issue largely (but obviously not completely) deals with various officer involved shootings happening over time that local DAs and governors and presidential administrations etc have been covering up and/or ignoring and/or downplaying for many years now to save money instead of saving lives by stopping this unrestrained bloodshed (money seems to matter more to our government than rights and/or life in general -- and this is a FACT -- just look at all the homeless folks living in squalor while $100,000 Tesla sedans whiz by here in Silicon Valley)...

And if our government doesn't even care about people shot dead by police; then why would they give a shit about what happened to me under their watch? Shouldn't I be shutting up about right now to stop me from being shot too? I don't think so...Adding to this; my voting rights have not only been violated; but my civil rights have also been violated several times as well --  including a whole slew of other uncivil offenses that I have experienced...)

These societal ideologies have evolved to the point where we have also even semi-collectively had legislative revelations about civil rights and civil liberties ~ with federal and state etc laws mandating fair and equal treatment in public spaces without arbitrary discrimination; intimidation or coercion. And other equally important laws requiring law enforcement to protect and serve people other than themselves have appeared as well.

As a low income white male I can honestly say that I likely hold the world record for unprocessed uncivil rights violations in this region (see: class/race/gender-based discrimination). And the only thing keeping me from being fully compensated at this point in time is stonewalling and lack of a good lawyer who actually cares about my situation and sees the big picture -- a lawyer who sees how allowing this kind of unrestrained behavior to go unchecked leads to even more bad behavior and/or uncivil rights violations. A lawyer who doesn't care what race or class or gender someone is and just helps them out regardless of what is kind of bullshit is stacked up against them -- like being a white male like me in an overly race-conscious liberal region that tends to demonize white males. But many lawyers are just jerks who end up working for the government; and lawyers like Fulvio Cajina will probably end up working for them too someday.

The truth is: in this bay area region at least; the main people shot during officer involved shootings are LOW INCOME WHITE MALES like me or my friend Lee; not blacks like so many people think. And like I said before; since mentally ill = shoot to kill -- all cops have to do is claim the suspect was mentally ill and it's all "good" and they get a vacation. But like I said before; even the Nazis did not shoot people they considered to be mentally on the street. They took them to processing centers first. Making local cops worse than Nazis...

The latest liberal trend that makes it easy to deem people as being mentally ill -- often by cops with psychopathic tendencies -- is not only slanderous and defamatory; but it also puts people lives at risk for more officer involved shootings.

People who are deemed as being mentally ill are quite often generally treated badly as the mental illness determination stigmatizes them and keeps them from not only making and keeping friends; but also often keeps them away from gainful employment etc. It's like getting a felony on your record without due process. For instance; after finding out that my friend Lee had been deemed mentally ill; I did not trust him after that point. The "mental illness" determination slanders and defames; making people step back and hesitate when dealing with people deemed as being mentally ill. It is not necessarily a solution; it is yet another problem. And some of those considered to be mentally ill are put on drugs that give them chemical lobotomies.

Adding to this; reefer madness from the 1930s has lately morphed into medical pot and alcohol users being deemed as mentally ill; then denied the ability to own guns (which is clearly unconstitutional). In other words; the same old worn out narrative by desperate officials who refuse to overcome their severe cranial-posterior syndromes.

Note: The most obvious example of this bad treatment of those perceived to be mentally ill is Donald Trump; regardless of the validity of these claims many people have come to the firm conclusion that Donald Trump is mentally ill as they insult and hate on him and treat him way beyond badly. And I know all about this because I was accused of being mentally ill as well; and even though that determination was very likely politically-motivated and obviously full of shit; it is against federal law to discriminate against those who are considered to be mentally ill even if that determination is imagined -- as it obviously was in my case.

Democrats (for instance) take oaths to uphold the Constitution; yet always seem to have a hard time with the First and Second Amendments. And no one seems to like the Fourteenth Amendment; for obvious reasons. The First Amendment took almost 14 years to ratify; and while the Fourteenth Amendment came much later it is no less important.

In red states the black race is more often than not fair game and/or easy prey for predatory cops; but in blue states where blacks enjoy more protections whites are the fair game/easy prey for cops. It's not the same everywhere. For instance; in blue states there are red counties and cities -- and in red states there are blue counties and cities -- who all go against the grain...

And I actually believed Obama's talk about MLK and civil rights; thinking Obama was going to be the next greatest thing since sliced bread; but that obviously never panned out as the Obama DOJ failed to help me out one iota. The email thread to DPS Officer Jim Carrell was sent out Bcc to the DOJ as well and I'm still waiting...Any time now DOJ and/or POS/DPS...


The last straw for me was being ejected from the Oasis nightclub in 2012 right around when Obama was re-elected; during a time when public anti-white narratives were forming and being "liberally" spread throughout society by the mainstream media (I am a centrist BTW). 

Because if some college professor said there is no reverse racism there obviously must be none right?! Wrong. The most obvious example being the Black Woman's Book Club receiving an $11 million dollar settlement while the exact same thing happened to me 4 TIMES without any affirmative action taken to resolve the problem by the State of California. Even more obvious is Lee receiving a mere $150,000 for serious injuries and incarceration as well.

I still feel like I was tricked by Obama into thinking it was going to be a greater and/or less divisive president era than it actually was; as no one in the Obama DOJ seemed to care about my voting rights violations either -- and especially head prick AG Eric Holder. It was as if civil and/or voting rights were only for blacks during the Obama era; which at least partially led to the rise of Donald Trump and the new federal reality.

Note: J. Christian Adams, a conservative lawyer who quit the department in 2010, has a more pointed critique. He says his political superiors at the Justice Department showed "an unwillingness to enforce the law in a race-neutral fashion." -- GO TO:

And what if I was LGBTQ and/or a black man who had threatening messages left on his windshield by Doug Ward trying to dissuade him as a witness and eject him from a private business of public accommodation POS/DPS? 

For the next 20 minutes I will be officially identifying as a gay black man to make that point. A gay black man once saved me from an angry guitar player who was about to charge my drum set with a microphone stand -- so I have nothing against gay black men. After this I will be officially identifying as a straight Mexican man named Juan Martinez who was partially raised by my neighbors the Martinez family after my mother passed away; and any or all other individuals of protected class status to make the point that the Fourteenth Amendment requires EQUAL TREATMENT FOR ALL PEOPLE. IT'S FEDERAL LAW. LOOK IT UP. 

Anyway; I shouldn't have to wait 50 years for the police to finally admit they fucked up when heterosexual pride month finally happens in 2079 (during the 2079 planetary repopulation effort after natural disaster and disease culls roughly 90% of the Earth's population) about 100 years after heterosexual rights were established during the 1970s -- as my illegal ejection from the Oasis had something to do with my sexual orientation. Why? Because if I was homosexual it would be an issue but since I am heterosexual it is not. That's called DISCRIMINATION in case you did not know. It's called: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. 

It used to be heterosexual women who had a difficult time getting police to follow up on rape claims; now it is men not getting any help from police while women get too much help. I shouldn't have to be a female and/or gay to get help from the police department! And the RPF was largely driven by the false notion that I was homosexual (Jake Paolinetti was a jock taking showers with other jocks at the time; so (while it is perfectly ok to be homosexual) if anyone was gay and/or latent homosexual it was Jake Paolinetti and his homophobic jocko buddies who all took showers together...I don't take showers with people of the same sex...Seeing myself naked is somewhat of an issue I suppose; but there is no way around this... 

Pride Month is a righteous and necessary celebration of LGBTQ rights ~ but Black History Month is not celebrated nearly as much. Why not? And why are heterosexuals not celebrated as much as homosexuals; when heterosexual are responsible for bringing EVERYONE here regardless of their sexual orientation?

Note: Lee Bagley has suggested that he may have been sexually assaulted by certain homosexual members of POS/DPS like I was by POS/SCPD Officer Pablo Lopez during the 2006 false arrest/kidnapping. While we do need to keep a healthy respect for those who are homosexual ~ this must also be balanced out by a realization that it is NOT OK for homosexuals  to sexually assault heterosexuals during processing -- this is a clear violation of federal law.


I have a sneaking suspicion this may be responsible for anti-heterosexual leanings in Santa Clara County right now; as not only have divisive Feminazis been allowed to largely run the show -- but also similar and equally "cockblocking" homosexuals who are in law enforcement ~ and the old organized religion influence as well -- creating a sexually uninterested triple whammy quagmire for most unattached single heterosexual males here in the SF Bay Area. 

This has created a situation where mere allegations are blasted out all over the TV for the whole world to see before it has even been proven that a crime has actually been committed -- viscously defaming and slandering along the way -- and usually with no physical evidence other than he said/she said hearsay evidence that usually goes nowhere in court.

It was bad enough having organized religion control the sex lives of millions of people for the last 2000 years; but now that many have finally broken free and risen above this ancient relic of religious mind fuck (after finding out the true history of most modern organized religions that existed in Syria 6000 years ago) this old religion has been replaced by the new religion of modern feminism where some women are destroying all of the progress made during the sexual revolution for their own selfish reasons. While no two women think alike.

This may be a subconscious reaction to overpopulation and quite necessary; but I tend to think it should be done in a more compassionate way. A little class goes a long way...Just be nice. It's pretty simple...If that doesn't work maybe learn karate...

When an older woman seems interested in me; the last thing I am going to do is insult her for her age and wrinkles or whatever -- then cast her off and ruin her day. While many modern emotionally unintelligent young women quite often treat older interested men with age discrimination and insults; sometimes even wanting to get the man into trouble for merely having the gall to aspire to being a sexual being in his older years.

But once again; if you whip out your Nazi yardstick you will see that this is similar to something the Nazis once did; as it is really nothing more than a mild form of eugenics for younger women to reject the sperm of older men ~ but then again natural selection is also normal to ensure the right sperm gets through as opposed to older "worn out sperm" (haha) from aging males.

(Eugenics is the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis ~ then later on by modern Feminazis...)

Note: I tend to think these young undersexed/asexual women just need to learn how to handle the situation in a more compassionate fashion as opposed to being angry victimized bitches like so many young women are being turned into by divisive political interests led by angry Democratic females who have never gotten over Hillary's false coronation; counting their chickens before they even hatched. NO ONE has a clue about what real harassment is until they have been violently attacked several times with no arrests made and had police-sponsored death threats right outside their window for a number of years like I had.


And does POS/DPS actually think I was going to call them about a police misconduct flier that I was distributing? Like POS/DPS would actually help me out. Yeah right. The same thing would have happened like what happened so many times to me in the past; POS/DPS would have turned it around on me somehow and come up with some lame excuse why I was doing something illegal by exposing police misconduct in distributed fliers. Just like magic! Therefore; there is absolutely no use in me calling POS/DPS anymore; they have failed me too many times. The only time they were going to actually arrest someone; it was my sister for vandalizing my property; and while it was very tempting -- that arrest would have broken up my family so I asked for the incident to be documented instead to avoid more trouble and perhaps use it against her at a later time. This is yet more evidence of deeply embedded gender-based discrimination as American women are oftentimes allowed to act like Saudi men. Due to this deeply embedded bias no one -- including me -- wants a soccer mom to be arrested...


I have come to the unfortunate and inevitable conclusion that there must be a certain level of extreme mental incompetency involved in local; county; state and federal government for this case to have been allowed to languish for so long unresolved. The Sunnyvale Mall is a good example of this official incompetency and dysfunction; as it has remained in an unresolved state for many years now...

The bottom line: our society needs to stop discounting lives based upon shallow; superficial and/or consciously biased and sometimes politically-motivated reasons such as class and/or race and/or sexual orientation etc. The 14th Amendment is supposed to be used to retain this equality; but it is instead more often that not misinterpreted and/or ignored altogether as an effective remedy for unequal treatment.